Destroying A NH Democrat’s Meaningless Rant About Unmasked Republicans on Organization Day

Democrat State Rep. Paul Berch just unloaded an epic screed on Facebook. Let me be clear as vodka. It is epic in its stupidity unless Rep. Berch is deliberately fearmongering, in which case it’s evil.

Related: Experts Admit: The Public Health Establishment Is Torturing Your Children For No Apparent Reason

I’m learning toward ignorant with a chance of water-carrying party-hack but I don’t know him I just know he says stupid things on Facebook.

In this diatribe, he criticizes Republican House Reps for not wearing masks outdoors, and he thinks that matters..?

… I have copied a picture of some Republican State Reps, unmasked, being sworn-in on Wednesday. We send our prayers to the families of the 15 residents of the NH Veteran’s Home who have died of COVID in just the past month. State health officials reported nine COVID-related deaths Wednesday, and 566 new infections.

Republicans seated, outdoors, without masks, yesterday, are somehow connected to 15 residents of a veteran’s home dying of or with covid19 – in the past month. And, I guess the 566 new infections are their fault too? Why else put them in the same paragraph?

Also climbing higher was the 7-day average testing positive rate which now stands at 5.7% after Tuesday’s daily rate reached 6.1%. All nine of the new deaths were in residents age 60 or older. 66 of the new cases were in residents age 18 or under.

So we are clear, none of what Paul is saying means anything. None of it is related nor relevant.

First, there is no documented connection between testing, positive results (real or false), hospitalizations, or deaths in New Hampshire, America, or anywhere else on the planet. None. Zero.

Second, the state of NH is doing significantly more testing these past few weeks (with a flawed test that is known for giving false positives). But even if the test were reliable (it’s not) any exponential increase in testing should cause a rise in the 7-day testing positive rate. But since positive tests real or flawed mean nothing, this means…nothing.

Third, “66 of the new cases were in residents age 18 or under.”

This means nothing. (Unlike the response which is harming kids.)

Even Fauci admits it means nothing. Even if they actually have or had COVID19 it means nothing. Minors are not a vector for transmission to each other or adults and the data has borne this out since April.

A trip to NH’s COVID19 dashboard also proves it. Only a handful of residents under 18 have actually needed hospitalization and none have died from COVID19 after 9 months.

Related: COVID in New Hampshire: Three Graphs that Will Make You Say “What Crisis?”

Paul has shared a lot of words that mean nothing, but he’s not done.

To further buttress this breathless fraud Berch shares a report from Hearst Media and WMUR enumerating deaths at long-term care facilities.

Yes, these are tragic, but aren’t they all in long-term care facilities? Places where everyone is hypervigilant about public access, sanitation, wearing masks, and distancing. Following CDC and Dept. or health guidelines, which Paul assures us he does as well.

And it means nothing.

Read the box. Masks do not stop the spread of any virus. Medical journals agree. Or, ask people in long-term care facilities, where the majority of these tragic deaths occur.

Places where health care workers – the experts in PPE use – have some of the highest per-capita positive tests for any occupation.

Stay focused. Paul is concerned about maskless Republicans which means what? Nothing.

Democrat House Leader Renny Cushing is also concerned, he who,

“criticized new House Speaker Dick Hinch for permitting several dozen House Republicans to sit in a separate section on the field while not wearing face coverings. “The blatant disregard for public health is unconscionable, especially as daily case numbers in New Hampshire are the highest they have ever been,”

Broken record and the song remains the same. Lying Dems trying to connect things with no connection. Rep Aron reported on more of them here.

And where’s the outrage?

Berch and Cushing suffer from a blatant disregard for facts and data. They are scaring people for no good reason. Masks do nothing to stop the spread indoors, and masks do nothing to prevent the spread outdoors. Neither does distancing. Children are not a vector for spread. Positive tests have no correlation to hospitalization or deaths.

Nearly 100% of productive working-age people have nothing to fear this coronavirus. They could all return to work, go back to school, go shopping, eat out, hang at a bar, and most of the genuine economic and public health problems created by this Democrat fearmongering would go away on their own.

And they deserve the right to at least decide that for themselves.

These Republicans who refuse to bend to fake news and fear should be applauded for standing up (or sitting maskless) in defense of that right, especially given the facts and data.

Cushing and Berch are more interested in lies and fear. Or maybe they’re stupid. Probably both.


The Rant is on a private Facebook Group or Page. The links provided are to a pdf copy of the text shared with The Featured image is from Paul’s Status Update.

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