Who Gets the “L” … LOSER this election


Who gets the “L” for LOSER in this election? There was no blue wave. That is simply the result. The presidential election remains a coin toss. Contested vote counts seem likely to turn the process of sorting it out into a legal battle.

But anyway we slice it, the result is different than the “reporting” of media and polling sources. That is true at the national and state levels.

The presidential election may be one of the closest in history. Republicans look to have kept a Senate majority. The Democrats seem to have a smaller majority in the House of Representatives. Or may even become the minority… The results are a rebuke of the polling industry and the media in general.

Across the board the major pollsters got state after state wrong. Compounding the miss is the margins. So the question becomes: What exactly are these polls for? Who get the “L” this time around maybe the pollsters.

They have not, over the last two general elections, brought reliable information. So, are they simply doing push polling? Are they in place to create news stories for the media to trumpet? They are not accurate so they are no longer a useful tool for the American electorate. Should they be reporting as in kind donations to the preferred party/candidate?

This isn’t the first time

There seems to be a pattern. It seems that when the polls are off, they are off in one direction. Time and again we’ve seen them underestimate the numbers voting on the right as opposed to the left. Whether intended or not, stories about the results do have an effect. These polling errors cannot and should not simply be swept under the rug.

House races media reporting said were close or leaning to the Democrats weren’t. Examples include: Texas’s 21st and 23rd congressional districts. They ended up being comfortable wins for the Republicans. Others reportedly tilting in Democrats’ favor ended up being Republican wins. For example: South Carolina’s first. There are other examples.

The industry may have internal structural issues with how they do their business. Perhaps it has to ask itself what went wrong. That might be a business decision. But there is also a public policy decision in play here. Intentionally putting out bad information to the public is an issue.

It turns out that the “shy Trump voter” was absolutely real. The pollsters did not find them. The media is dismissive of any reference to them. The media maintains plausible deniability by citing the polling. But what we must consider is whether an organization calling itself a “news” organization can continue to use known unreliable sources in its stories and still be a news organization as opposed to a publicist or a propaganda organization? Maybe the group who get the “L” in this election is the media.

Failure to recognize the right answer when told

To the extent cancel culture and social justice warriors are taking over what were news organizations they need to self identify. There should be a warning label on their reporting. Classic liberals and conservative voters are uncomfortable transmitting their views in a public forum, for a reason.

Even Republican senators holding mainstream American views are facing the purge. They are persona non grata from the media. They do not conform to the media requirements and are facing censorship. We see this when The New York Times essentially denounced an editorial it ran this summer. The editorial was about shutting down riots written by Sen. Tom Cotton. Now they sit around scratching their heads saying: How did we not understand half the country?

The media missed other trends too. There is a significant shift of key voting demographics to Trump. In the states of Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia, The New York Times determines Hispanics are increasing their vote for Trump by 11 percentage points, having voted 62% for Hillary Clinton in 2016, but just 51% for Joe Biden in 2020. Cuban American voters are increasing their vote for Trump by 14% in 2020 from four years ago, shifting from 55% for Clinton in 2016 to 59% for Trump in 2020.

Plus, there was a significant movement of black men voting for Trump as well. The media have not taken kindly to these changes. It seems dumping Americans stereotyped boxes isn’t panning out as they expect. The media missed the rends and the issues so maybe they are who get the “L” this election.

There is change, there isn’t news reporting it

The media is high on woke crusading. It is painting America as a structurally racist society. What is occurring is a stinging rebuke. Trump actually made significant gains with nonwhite voters. They clearly didn’t buy in. The change is nationwide.

There is still a healthy diversity of views among the American electorate. We are tired of being told how to think and vote. The media misses this. The revolution has been dealt a blow. It is time for the media to take off their mask. They are no more journalist than pollsters who are competent. Both groups need to be taken to the financial woodshed.

The media and polling industries took no lessons from 2016. It anything they got worse in 2020. Their hubris is repugnant. The failure of the media in 2016 was written off as a fluke. They have been pretending Donald Trump snuck up on them.

Well, no, there were always warning signs. This time around, their hubris was even more evident. It is also even less excusable. They have been confidently projecting outcomes that never came. Now they persist unapologetically.

Whoever the winner of the 2020 presidential election is, the biggest loser is the media. Following a close second are the pollsters. It seems inevitable; they will learn nothing this time around either. The point of the rant? To say thank you Grok Readers. You know there is a view other than that of the monolith. Thank you for your patronage.


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