A 2am Summary – 2020 Electoral Results – President, NH State Wide, and Other Races That Amuse Me.

by Skip

UPDATE (Wednesday 7:36am): A few numbers have changed but not real “change” in the outcomes – yet.  More later.  US House – Republicans have picked up 4 seats but Dems still have the majority (predictions that Dems would add to their majority were wrong).

Oh yeah – country wide rioting has started.

It’s late and I’m getting tired of blogging so just some quick thoughts:

  • Presidency – we aren’t going to know for at least a day, perhaps two days or so and maybe not even then. Both sides are already calling in the lawyers and fundraising to pay for them over this incomplete result. It’s close, really close, and both Biden and Trump still have paths to win. It CERTAINLY isn’t the Blue Wave that was being pushed by Democrats, a lot of pollsters, and the media.
  • US Senate – Jeanne Shaheen handed a bad defeat to Corky Messner. I guess I get to use the Wicked Witch image of her for another 6 years (sigh…).It is looking like the Republicans are going to keep control of the Senate. Georgia will, again, have Senate runoff races in January as no one got over 50%. Dems picked up one and Repubs picked up one (two?). Looks good for a couple more. But they are still counting. Right now, Fox has it 47 Repubs – 46 Dems with races yet to be called. Dems needed +4 to take control; it doesn’t look like they are going to do that. Looks like Cocaine Mitch, having handily won his race over Amy whatshername, will remain the Majority Leader of the Senate.
  • US House – Both Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster won. Again, Steve Negron mustered 42% of the vote like last cycle – just too much Democrat money to support her air war (TV commercials) and not enough for him. Matt Mowers made it closer but still it was a 6pt loss. Fox has it 174 Dems / 167 Repubs right now.  Nancy Pelosi will most likely push her 25th Amendment bill (cutting the House into the “can’t do the job” schtick) that she will be use against either Trump or Biden (and more likely, Biden). Will she also try to re-impeach Trump for grins and giggles?

So, with the above, at least one firewall. Status quo if Trump wins.

Much better results for NH (in line with one of the ‘Grok mottos of “screw DC, save NH”).

  • NH Governor – Sununu beat the crap out of Feltes. Full stop and that’s all I need to write for tonite.
  • NH Executive Council – RIGHT NOW, it looks like the Exec. Council has been flipped to Republicans. None of the races have been formally called but most of the votes are in and the Repubs recaptured D1 (Joe Kenney), D2 (Janet Stevens looks to have defeated the MaskSnitcher-in-Chief Mindi Messmer), D3 (Gatsas looks to have kept his seat), and D5 (Dave Wheeler will have regained his seat). Big Caveat, again, is that what has happened thus far keeps going. So, 4 to 1, R.
  • NH Senate:  Again, the caveat is that the current trends stick; if so, it’s a flip from 14 Dems – 10 Repubs to the opposite: 13R-10D. I can’t make it 14 because there are NO results for Sharon Carson’s race. No matter, looks like a Repub majority.  Surprising if it keeps up but looks like:
    • Denise Ricciardi took the seat from Jeanne Dietsch (you know, the Education Snob who believes that parents are unable to educate their kids)
    • Gary Daniels may well beat the incumbent Shannon Chandley to reclaim his seat.
    • Ditto Kevin Avard against incumbent Melanie Levesque
    • And George Lambert looks to take out the present NH State Senate President, Donna Soucy????
  • NH House – I haven’t the foggiest other than it looks like the Republicans ran the table in Belknap county. Several races have been formally called and others look fairly good but some precincts yet to call (e.g., I have the results for Belknap 2 but it hasn’t been turned in / made official yet).

More later…time for bed.

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