Klueless Ann Kuster

Komrade Kuster has adopted the idea that she is a legislator for life—the Ruling Class DC ambassador to the warm bodies assembled in New Hampshire’s second congressional district every election day.

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Jim Jordan Is the Conservative Choice

The latest announcement from Steve Scalise has opened up the way for Jim Jordan. This decision that he has withdrawn from the race for the House Presidency was announced during a Republican conference meeting on Thursday night. Scalise had previously clinched the nomination for the post after narrowly beating Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, following a vote by the Republican conference on Wednesday.

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Gavel judge ruling

“What a Historic and Wonderful First Week of 2023”

I personally couldn’t be more proud of the courageous 20 House Representatives in DC who risked everything for their constituents AND for those of us who are also disgusted and appalled at the feckless weak Rs in our state and in the DC Swamp… Rs who’ve done little to nothing to “right” the course of the sinking American ship!!!

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