To Whom Are Academics in the Ivory Towers Giving Their Political Donations?

by Skip

Do you think that higher education in the Ivory Towers has a decided political bent? Emphasis mine reformatted: “According to federal elections records, those who listed their employer as a college or university have given, …”

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  • Democratic candidate Joe Biden about $4.9 million in contributions from 8,800 higher education donors
  • Republican candidate President Trump $890,000 (18% of the above) from 2,800 higher education donors

From those listed as professor, instructor or teacher, are giving to:

  • $2.7 million to Biden
  • $353,00  to Trump

Of COURSE they do – where do you think all this execrable nonsense of Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Critical Race Theory sprang from? Where do you think the New Left burrowed into after the Viet Nam war ended in the 60s/70s? Where do you think the politicization of Education came from, as the New Left professorial movement started to teach young skulls full of mush how to teach our children (with absolutely STUNNINGLY miserable results as the “product” they were pushing out)?

Yeah, no surprise face here…

(H/T: TaxProf Blog)

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