AG Forced to Arrest (Another) NH Double Voter After Project Veritas Exposes Them

Steve MacDonald

Ray Buckley is dancing his ass off. Why? The NH Democrat party certified a November 2020 Poll Challenger, who was just arrested for Double-voting in 2016. They might not have made the mistake if they’d done any sort of vetting, but then, Democrats don’t like vetting, do they?

Related: Vote by Mail “Works so Well” A Judge Just Invalidated an Entire Election Because of It

Vetting is bad. Be it individuals from terror-sponsoring countries in the middle-east or double voters from Lebanon, New Hampshire. Especially when they are using a fake name and pretending to be a woman.

Who wants to be called a bigot for rejecting a double-voting fake-transvestite? Not the NH Democrat Party. Certainly not any elected officials in Lebanon.

So how did we get here? Well, this Democrat Party collusion with this particular vote thief is the product of a twisted tale of familiar bedfellows. We have the New Hampshire AG’s office, an obvious election fraud case, and “Investigator” Dick Tracy (according to the report at Project And it’s a story that would have remained under wraps, with the vote thief fulfilling “her” Poll challenging duties this November, if not for Project Veritas.


Vincent Marzello of West Lebanon, NH, was arrested and charged with Felony voter fraud for voting twice during the 2016 General Election.

Initially, the New Hampshire State Police investigated Marzello starting in August 2019, and then the State Police delivered the case file—which included evidence that Marzello voted twice—to Dick Tracy in the Attorney General’s office in December 2019.


Project Veritas interviewed Marzello in August, then brought the interview to the NH AG’s office, with documentation showing that he had voted twice – once as himself and a second time as a “woman” (transvestite) named Helen Elisabeth Ashley, from the same address.

The AG is suddenly all over it and the arrest is all over the news.

What took so long? The State police handed the completed case over, and nothing happened. Nothing. For at least 9 months. James wanted to know why?

Here’s a teaser.


Watch the rest here, and we’ll provide updates as they become available.

Note: Once the NH Dems learned that that the “female” poll challenger in Lebanon was a man who double-voted, they claim to have relieved themselves of any association with him. That may be because he got caught or because he’s not really a transvestite. We’re not clear on the particulars.

This is also at least the third time Veritas has embarrassed NH Election officials and the AG’s office. I’m sure they were excited to meet with him. At least they didn’t issue him a subpoena this time.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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