James Okeefe

James O’Keefe Explains; Exposing Vote Fraud and Being Subpoenaed In New Hampshire (Video)

Our own Josh Moore sat down with James O’Keefe to talk about what happened yesterday. As we noted earlier James came to New Hampshire to report some voter fraud and his reward for that was a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Project_Veritas James O'Keeffe

James O’Keefe Comes to NH To Show AG Proof of Vote Fraud – They Hand Him a Grand Jury Subpoena

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas came to New Hampshire with proof. A GraniteStater admits to voting in two states in a Federal Election. James goes to the AG, and well, that’s nice, here’s a Grand Jury Subpoena.

James O’Keefe Handed Criminal Grand Jury Subpoena by NH AG

James O’Keefe held a press conference today in New Hampshire to shine a light on the election fraud and corruption uncovered in his latest series of undercover videos. The AG’s office showed up to hand him a Grand Jury Subpoena. So the NH AG, like last time, prefers to kill the messenger than try to … Read more

Why does NH AG Richard Head want James O’Keefe emails from a third party without a subpoena?

I just received this document a few minutes ago (PDF here): Last time I looked, unless Dick Head has had a subpoena issued, wouldn’t this be against the law? Is Nadia Naffe doing this in retribution for this, as Patterico outlines?  And here is a temp restraining order against Ms. Naffe, also at Patterico.  And … Read more

GrokTV Event: Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe speaks on voter fraud / NH criminal grand jury subpoena issued yesterday.

This afternoon, the Rye Republican Town Committee held their “Gala Reception for 2012 GOP Candidates” at the Abenaqui Country Club in Rye, NH and GraniteGrok was there to livestream the event. Given such a name, a number of NH GOP candidates for seats in 2012 did attend the sold-out crowd of about 250.  However, the … Read more

Project_Veritas James O'Keeffe

NH AG Drops Complaints and Investigation into James O’Keefe and Project Veritas

The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office and Atkinson resident Robert Bell have dropped all complaints and the investigation of James O’Keefe and Project Veritas.

603 Summit – Dinner Keynote James O’Keefe From Project Veritas

Not only did the 603 Alliance put on an entire day’s program last Saturday (“Liberty trumps ismSocial”) but they held a dinner program as well.  The featured speaker was James O’Keefe – someone we consider to be a friend of GraniteGrok for his intense pursuit of those that do wrong through his undercover investigative reporting. … Read more

James O'Keefe 603 Summit

How You Can Help James O’Keefe and Justice in New Hampshire

Robert Alan Bell is a New Hampshire Resident who broke three laws. He voted twice in a federal election. He broke the law in Florida, New Hampshire, and Federal law. Has he been served a Subpoena by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office?

Project_Veritas James O'Keeffe

In Defense Of James O’Keefe And NH Voters

Project Veritas is back in New Hampshire doing something the NH AG’s Office “Elections Division” hates. James O’Keefe and his journalists are videotaping and exposing voter fraud. It exposes the “Elections Division” of the NH AG’s Office for what they are – political hacks. For decades we have put up with the nonsensical position that … Read more

Update from Project Veritas on Being Subpoenaed by the NH AG’s Office Yesterday

Update from Project Veritas on being subpoenaed by the NH AG’s office yesterday.   Update: While delivering a hard drive of the raw footage to Governor Hassan (and on YouTube to the entire world) from all three recent New Hampshire videos, James O’Keefe was served with a Grand Jury subpoena ordering him to surrender the … Read more

LIVE STREAM: Seacoast Republican Women present James O’Keefe

Grokster Mike is covering the event and if things go well, you can watch it live below with James himself on shortly after 10:30am: And be sure to read our over coverage of James O’Keefe and the NH AG’s office attempt to “cover over” yet more government failure concerning elections (here, and here, and the ramifications … Read more

First in the Nation Primary Voter Fraud expose – GoffstownToday also reporting on James O’Keefe / NH Asst AG Richard Head

One other news outlet, GoffstownToday.com, is also reporting on O’Keefe’s visit to NH last week – ‘Grok friend Bill Wynne has the story here: …O’Keefe was the undercover journalist who went to polling places throughout the state requesting ballots in the name of dead people.  His investigation into how easily voter fraud could be had … Read more

US Attorney General Eric Holder clears James O’Keefe in Congressional Testimony. What say you, NH AG Dick Head?

We’ve been following James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas since he started exposing a lot of wrong doing with his undercover videos.  And certainly, we thought that his video of how easy voter fraud could be here in NH (on the First In The Nation Primary Day, no less, with his explanation here) was perfect … Read more

Robert Bell

Boston Globe Ignores Project Veritas While Reporting Conviction of NH Double-Voter

An undercover investigation reveals vote fraud, and the NH AG’s office gives James O’Keefe a subpoena to appear before a grand jury. The guy they identified gets convicted, and the Boston Globe never mentions how he was caught.


April’s Top Ten – Hillary, AOC, Rosemarie Rung, Joyce Craig, and Sen Collins’ Cardboard Penis

Making the Grok top ten in any given month has reached a new standard. If you don’t get close to 3000 views, you’re not even gonna make it. As for the subject matter, we’ve got a mix of local and national stories

Robert Bell

Breaking: Veritas-Exposed Double-Voter Robert Bell Arrested by NH AG for – Double-Voting

Robert Bell, the man who admitted to Project Veritas investigative journalists that he voted in Florida and New Hampshire was arrested today by the NH Attorney General’s Office and charged.

Liberty Trumps Socialism

Complete List of Speakers for Saturday’s Liberty Trumps Socialism Summit

This Saturday the 603 Alliance is holding its Liberty Trumps Socialism Summit with Twenty speakers, both local and national (and five short video presentations), to help energize us for the march to November 2020.

Can you hear the whining?

If you read Blue Hampshire, for even just 30 seconds, you get a mouthful of milquetoast, liberal whining about the new Voter ID “supression” law. So extreeeeme! What a bunch of indignant losers, specifically this one, with a tag-name of “organized presence” (from his mother’s basement, no doubt): The real insidiousness is not to deny … Read more

Bring Out The Dead Vote

  Paul Westcott of WGIR and 90.7 The Wave has this excellent Kodak moment (below) posted at WGIR-AM.com. Yes, it’s a get out the dead voter drive.  You may recall that we’ve covered this kind of thing here in the past.  The New Hampshire Dead People Party (and here -NHDP), and here, and here, and … Read more

Blogburst: A connection between NH AG Richard Head and convicted terrorist bomber Brett Kimberlin?

“WHY would Dick Head want to approach her even with a 10 foot pole?“ You bet (to answer the post title question)!  Real easy too!  I had previously blogged this post “Why does NH AG Richard Head want James O’Keefe emails from a third party without a subpoena?” where Dick Head was inquiring of a … Read more