Joe Biden Returns to Old Lies and the Media Lets Him Get Away with It

Joe Biden had run for president before and failed miserably each time (less than 4% of the primary vote). He would have failed this time, too, except that he was the only mule (or donkey) the Dems could sell as something other than an insane Marxist sympathizer.

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That’s his VP if you’re not paying attention, Ka-mah-lah (or is it camel-ah!), the woman that will head the Harris Administration.

One of Joe’s more epic early failures was getting busted for lying and plagiarism. Sleepy Creepy Joe is also Lyin’ Joe. A man whose mental marina harbors sloops and busted dinghies that barely sailed the first time. Or, voyages that belonged to others which he made his own. Given his declining mental state, these memories may appear as reliable life-preservers he can grasp in the roiling sea of his unpredictable mind, but that does not suddenly make them true.

Not even when the media praises them. Tim Alberta of Politico, and Charlotte Alter from CNN.

That’s a quote from this week, by Journalists who don’t know the history or forgot it. This was a lie 32 years ago. Spoken by the then balding Joe Biden, candidate for President, who would join the hair club for men (or one of its doppelgangers); another deception from a career politician who has known no other life.

Fact-less Fact-Checkers

These journalists are not alone. The brilliant Mollie Hemmingway has documented both the history of Joe’s lies and the media’s past and a recent treatment of them, by those who insist they know better.


The Washington Post’s “fact” “checker” watched the town hall and gave Biden high marks, gently dinging him for saying, for example, patently absurd things such as that no one would have died from the coronavirus if Donald Trump had “done his job.” Nevertheless, the overall review was kind.


The Washington Post where Democracy dies in Darkness next to the undisclosed truth of a large cash settlement paid to high school kid Nick Sandmann for their brutally dishonest treatment of him. Not ironic at all.


As for Biden, he is lying lies to which he has admitted. But the press won’t be bothered to explore their own coverage. That might help Trump, and they can’t do that. Truth stopped being their job a long time ago.

If more people realized this, America could be a very different place than it is today.

We would be free of all this false pandemic casedemic nonsense, and BLM would still be a quiet upstart lead by lesbian Marxists who hate heterosexual marriage. Not even a blip on the wall-to-wall news coverage of America’s miracle economy.

We’d be marveling at the effectiveness and affordability of Hydroxychloroquine and zinc against the newest flu, and how few deaths there were as a result though more likely we’d have never needed to bring it up.

The historic peace-agreements signed this past week, after decades of past failures, between Arabs and Israelis would be on the front page alongside the calming of tensions between Serbia and Kosovo.

But that’s not the media we have, and Biden is all the Democrats have got. And they can’t keep him in the basement with his teleprompter. He needs to step out into the light as long as he is home before dark. Out in search of victory.

It could still happen. Biden could win, Harris would quickly succeed him. And America might end as we know it. But it hinges on Joe Biden and his media handlers and America’s willingness to accept any lie the media peddles.

A better question might be, are they lying too? Keeping quiet, saying what others want to hear. ‘Biden’ their time, until they can quietly vote for Mr. Trump because they too have had enough of the lies.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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