Talking-Head Worried That Riots are Bad … Because They Hurt Democrat Polling

The party of love and peace and caring™ has a problem. Their violent riots are hurting them in the polls. Is it the muggings, shootings, or lootings? Maybe folks realize that when Democrats say “equality,” they mean, you all think and act like us or else! Whatever it is, CNN’s Don Lemon is worried.

Related: If you didn’t think the Left’s demands could not get worse, well, we warned you…

Did you get that? He’s not worried about peace, safety, security, property, or human life. He isn’t concerned that his brothers and sisters of color are being harmed, deprived of work, or even their businesses. Or that criminals, released into the streets of Democrat cities by Democrat mayors, are perpetrating more criminal acts.

He’s concerned that the optics (of all those things) are harming Democrat politician’s chances of getting elected or re-elected.

So, stop it. Stop rioting. You’re going to end up electing Republicans.

Hey Don, why not just ask CNN to stop covering them? That’s how the unbiased media has always “handled” these sorts of things in the past.

Initial glee and fascination by the 4th estate often dwindle after the honeymoon is over. Be it people, movements, or a narrative; someone discovers that normal Americans are not as keen on it as you Lefties. Maybe a producer or someone in upper-management has a come to Jesus moment (minus the Jesus) and stands athwart some popular left-wing narrative yelling STOP!

No tweets, updates, or coverage – it’s bad for your lefty political friends in elected office.

AM Radio, Fox News, (and now OAN, the Epoch Times, and the blogosphere, to name a few) keep it alive, so you are forced to rise to the occasion. Your big-tech allies go to work flagging, tagging, and bagging anything untoward. But riots are tough.

All the light from the fires, police press conferences (you lost them for good), and the civilian casualties. And maybe you’d be okay if you stayed in the urban dumpster fire under decades of democrat rule, but your mobsters are hungry for some systemic suburban fare ala Guillotine. And now you’ve got Democrats at RNC conventions telling the same story we’ve been telling for years.

To the Left, people are disposable when they get in the way of their politics. And neither race, sex, gender, creed, color, height, weight, age, income, or occupation matter.

Get with the program or “our salesman” will call. And if they don’t like your answers, you may get beat up, burned out, and possibly killed.

These optics concern Don Lemon, because they are hurting Democrat’s polling. He thinks they should stop. But that’s always been the problem with mobs and criminals. Once you let them off the leash, they won’t just come back when you call.  Every perceived slight or wrong (real or imagined) immediately becomes a call to arms: more riots, looting, burning, shootings, and murder of civilians.

Don wants the rioting to stop, but you might need the police for that, and wouldn’t you know they’re not happy with how you’ve treated them. Many have retired, quit, just stopped coming to work. A void that encourages even more rioting.

And y’all think you are smarter than the rest of us?

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