Since Democrats are Smarter than Everyone Else This 220% Spike in Shootings Must be Intentional

Democrats are smarter than everyone else, just ask them. They know more about more than anyone on anything. That has to mean that this 220% spike in shootings in New York City has to be on purpose.

Related:  Warning Issued for New York City: Rising Crime a Danger to Tourists

Super-smart Democrats let street criminals out of jail. They pass bail rules that allow perps awaiting trial to wander the streets. By one estimate, there are at least 1000 individuals charged with illegal gun crimes wandering the Big Apple.

Democrats let looters and rioters set city police policy (NYC Dems cut the law enforcement budget by one billion dollars). Progressive politicians have also systematically made it increasingly difficult for a law-abiding citizen to own and keep firearms to defend themselves.

These were all deliberate acts by Democrats who are smarter than everyone else, just ask them. So, the rising rate of criminality that is plaguing the City can be no accident.

Shootings in New York City logged a staggering 220 percent increase in the week ending July 19 compared to the same week a year ago, while monthly shootings have surged by 194 percent compared to the same 28-day period in 2019, police figures show.

Democrats appear opposed to flattening the lawlessness curve.

You would be right to ask why? What possible motivation could Democrats have for ensuring these levels of lawlessness? And it’s not just New York City. We are talking about crime statistics represent a significant threat to public health.  Remember public health? It’s that other thing to which we all belong.

It trumps everything. Well, except rampant crime. And guns. YOu can’t possibly say you are anti-gun with these sorts of results. I guess this means that “common-sense gun laws” mean exponentially more illegal guns used to shoot exponentially more people.

And it’s all intentional because Democrats are smarter than the rest of us and how dare we question their motives. And that applies in your state and here in New Hampshire. Our Democrats, like yours, idolize the big city Dems and the power they have to impose their “smarts” on the rest of us.

And that’s what they try to do the moment they have a sliver of a majority. Cram every wish-list item they can get into law. Just like New York City. And the longer they have that power, the more of those super-smart ideas they impose.

The moral of the story? If you want your town, city, county, state, or nation run like that, vote for Democrats. If exponential rises in crime are not on your list of goals for your community, vote for someone else. You may not love everything they claim to support, but your chances of getting shot will decline exponentially.

You’ll also have law enforcement to come and investigate the victim of your legal act of self-defense. Republicans are big on that too, Democrats – not so much.

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