A taste of Saul Alinsky from our commenters - heh! - Granite Grok

A taste of Saul Alinsky from our commenters – heh!

Face the Truth About Socialism.

Our commenters can be rather amusing at times even if their comments have a bit of a barb to them. This is sort of like the meme I saw on Facebook a while ago (no, I can’t find it) going along the lines of:

We HAVE to put in Voter ID –
We can’t allow Trump to cheat to win this election!

Heh! On my post on that the Democrat Party believes the Fourth of July is a Day of White Supremacy Celebration, their comments went the same way:

allen • 2 days ago
we should start a meme about socialism being a tool of white supremacy, and see what happens.

OldNHMan • 2 days ago
But socialism is the tool of white supremacy. After all, Marx, Engels, and Lenin were all white guys, right?

James • a day ago
Yes the country open to the world and dedicated to democracy for over 200 years is definitely a textbook white supremacist nation.

I’m thinking that some of the “did rather poorly in school” in both the BLM and Antifa groups, willing to grasp at any strawman in a roiling debate sea, would actually try to use it. They are so historically illiterate and ensconced in their paradigm bubbles (as well as thinking that destroying other peoples’ lives is FUN!) they’d actually try to use with without really understanding they’re cutting their knees out from underneath them.

Imagine their faces when someone, happy to make sport of them, laughingly tells them what they’re actually saying….heh!

Oh, and if you haven’t gotten the Saul Alinsky bit yet, go here – let me know which Rule you think it is!
