What will Establishment Republicans do Next to Protect Their Ever-Smaller Hive?


Here is one way the fake pollsters benefit from rigging their formulas to the desired outcome. A poll showing senile Joe Biden leading by 15 points gives establishment Republicans and anti-Trump campaign “experts” a golden opportunity to spout off.

Related: Former NHGOP State Party Chair Jennifer Horn Endorses Joe Biden for President

Lammar Alexander, Chris Christie, and even Daddy Sununu are giving President Trump advice on how he should campaign and change his ways. He needs to become more moderate, accept reality, so they advise.

Suddenly the Establishment Republicans have ceased calling for President Trump to stop using Twitter. The narrative from this group has shifted to using these fake polls to their advantage. (I wonder if Daddy Sununu advises his son to stop acting like a Democrat?)

Lots of un-named, top-level Republicans are chiming in through FOX newscasters as well. They are concerned enough to not use their names.

As we get closer to November the fake news will build to a clamor like we have never seen nor heard.

What will Establishment Republicans do next to protect their ever-smaller hive?

How low will they stoop to get their precious permanent minority status back?


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