So, how many Groksters are directly involved with the 603 Alliance? - Granite Grok

So, how many Groksters are directly involved with the 603 Alliance?


As you may remember, I kinda told the story of how GraniteGrok got started. It was convenient as I’m trying out some new tools.  While I’ve been putting up all these circles and lines with pretty colors, and getting those entities correct and linked up, the real emphasis is to be able to ask questions of all this data and get some answers. Small scale right now as this is just Proof of Concept 2.0 but large enough to ask small questions.  Like how many Groksters either are or were involved with NH State Government?

Groksters in NH Govt

After all, it’s a reasonable question – we are a political blogsite. How many of the Groksters have “gone to the top of the food chain” here in NH?

And now we know.

So, if Y’ALL out there know of NH based organizations that either play directly  (or just dabble from time to time), send me that information and the folks associate with it. I’ll add it in and see what kind of associations we can find!

