Democrat Party Staying alive IV FI

Name the two things keeping the Democrat Party alive

Yeah, rich donor help. Having the Media, Hollywood, Unions,  and the Education-Industrial Complex as pillars of the Party doesn’t hurt. But don’t discount these: (H/T:

Ryan Terrell

NH Executive Council Democrat votes on Ryan Terrell: Bigots and Racists

So much for your Collective Wailing About Oppressed Minorities, eh Executive Councilors Volinsky, Pignatelli, and Cryans? Your vote on Ryan Terrell yesterday was proof that the Civil War / Jim Crow Southern Democrat racists are alive today in NH. All we’ve heard since the death of George Floyd have been Democrats saying that this needs … Read more

A student from Covington Catholic High School and Nathan Phillips

Quick Thought: So true, so true – it is what the Left does: a comment from “How are the Covington boys any different than Rosa Parks?”

That was a post by Ed and NHNative left this comment: Another part of this that has not been picked up on. These kids were at a March for Life event. Look at what has happened to their lives now.. The message from the Left: “See what can happen to you if you attend these … Read more

But Bernie, didn’t you Democrats already do that?

“We will not allow Trump or anybody else to divide us up based on the color of our skin, our religion, our nation and nationality, or our sexual orientation.”

-Bernie Sanders at the annual AFL-CIO Labor Day breakfast (WMUR News 9/3/2018)

Gosh, doesn’t that sounds exactly like the definition of the Democrat Identity Politics Totem Poll – everybody is segregated by skin color, nationality / multiculture, and sexual orientation on which they base their voting and priority messaging?  Oh wait – that religion part? Dems don’t much care for religion generally, unless you see their proclivities for socialism / humanism as a religion in and of itself replete with its own sacred texts, songs, assorted readings, chants, and high Priests. And then there’s these observations:

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