Next-Level Virtue Signal: L’Oreal to Remove Words Like ‘Fairness’ and ‘White’ From Products

Not long from now, it will be verboten to use terms like White Hat or words like Blackmail. And can the thought police are not far behind? I know, they are already here, but they will no longer be able to lighten dark spots of whiten skin tone no matter what color your skin.

Related: Black Lives Matter Doesn’t Care about Most Black Lives

“The L’Oreal Group has decided to remove the words white/whitening, fair/fairness, light/lightning from all its skin evening products,” the company said in a brief statement.

In all fairness, what’s so unfair about fairness? There are fair-skinned black people. There are fair-skinned every-people. Fair is relative and often subjective. The left certainly agrees with that. What is fair for some is not fair for others and they get to decide. 

And light? We can’t use light, but then should we not ban dark and darkness? And what do we call that shiny electrical crap that shoots out of the sky during a rainstorm if not lightning? (That’s their spelling not mine.)

Will clouds no longer be allowed to lighten or darken as well?

All because of things and stuff and junk!

“Conversations over the past few weeks highlighted that some product names or claims on our Neutrogena and Clean & Clear dark-spot reducer products represent fairness or white as better than your own unique skin tone,” a Johnson & Johnson statement said, adding: “This was never our intention -— healthy skin is beautiful skin.”

Where does this end? For the Gillette folks, they had to take a fiscal beating, but this seems different. The pandering level is obscene.

We cannot retool the entire language to remove instances of white, black, light, and dark to appease a Marxist Mob that doesn’t even represent more than a sliver of any minority community. One that could probably care less but will happily use corporate virtue-signaling to advance their real goals.

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist political movement, not a racial one. They have very little interest in any life of any color, sex, or age, that does not advance their political goals, just like their Democrat masters.  And pantsing yourself at every opportunity is not going to change that.

But there they are doing it.

So, when does this #Wokeness at L’Oreal Paris translate to their extensive hair color line? And this a good time to point out how poorly represented women of color are on their US product packaging? 

And when do “highlights” become racially offensive? Asking for a friend.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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