Destroy America Based on a False Narrative

Cities across America have been burning. There has been widespread looting. In the aftermath property owners who were defending their life’s work were beaten senseless. What we see taking place throughout the country has nothing to do with George Floyd. It is an attempt at a totalitarian takeover.

Related:  If leftists get their way on eliminating police, we’ll be in hell

It appears at first glance Minneapolis police officers may be guilty of the use of excessive force. All the officers involved have been charged. They will face a jury of their peers.

The response to the George Floyd case, like the narrative from the 1619 Project at the New York Times, may turn out to be born of a false premise. This may turn out to be something very different than the media generated narrative. What happened with the Covington kids? Do you even remember them?

False narratives

The 1619 Project asserts the defining story of America is racism and white supremacy. It is a false assertion. But its falseness has not stopped the New York Times from pushing it. Only by accepting the narrative without critical examination can one grant credence to its premise. Therein lies the problem with the “woke” narrative.

The “woke” narrative requires religious adherence to the dogma. No reason may be applied. No discussion or debate will be allowed. Submission is required.

The United States is not rotten to the core. It is not perfect but it does work continuously toward making itself better. America is not a utopia. It exists in a very real world. As a nation we have struggled with many things in the past quarter millennia. So, is it time to destroy America?

Why do more people come here than leave?

But, at the end of the day more people come here for the opportunity we have than go anywhere else. Immigration to America is greater than emigration from America. There is a reason for that. Here’s a hint; it is not because America is more evil and repressive than other places in the world.

The existence of African slavery continues to be real. The vestiges of slavery are part of America’s past. We fought a civil war to end the practice. That does not make America evil. It makes her self aware. Slavery has existed worldwide throughout history. The question isn’t where did it exist, or where did it start. The question is did America do the right thing. Did it end slavery?

The truth is cities across America have been burning and only those believing in totalitarian systems understand why. There has been widespread looting. That would be redistribution of wealth the Socialist way. In the aftermath property owners who were defending their life’s work were beaten senseless.

Making Sense of Socialism

This makes sense to Socialists because they believe everything belongs to the people. They assert they are only taking what is theirsThey do not recognize property rights. If you own anything you may want to consider carefully the Socialist dream. You see, you cannot eat dreams.

Therein lies the problem with Socialism. Socialists promise to give you “everything.” In practice, Socialists understand everything only goes so far. They know the big dog eats first… and that would not be you… or me… 

As they say in Texas, Socialism is all hat and no cattle. Its economics do not work, it has not worked anywhere in the last 150 years. It will not work in the future. The ideology sounds great. But, it always turns into slavery, poverty, and tyranny.

The reason is simple: the people at the top of the revolution get fat and everyone else starves. There’s no work, no production, there are no products, no wealth, nothing to share. What do you think? Should we kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for a pocket full of mumbles? Should we destroy America?

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