Op-Ed: In America, the government is submissive to the people - Granite Grok

Op-Ed: In America, the government is submissive to the people

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I was in the process penning a letter condemning the rash of totalitarian behavior of liberal governors, mayors, and judges across America when I saw Robert Azzi’s latest ignorant, bigoted, intolerant rant.

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As an avid Trump supporter, I often become the focus of Azzi’s intolerance and hatred, but I don’t hate him, I feel sorry for him. In his last Concord Monitor column, Azzi became triggered by the benevolent word LIBERATE.

People who have an adverse reaction to the word ‘liberate’ hate freedom, hate everything to do with the founding of the greatest and the most generous country in the world. They love totalitarian governments that control every aspect of their citizen’s lives. Governments like the Iranian Theocracy and areas of the world that are controlled by radical Islamic extremists meet Azzi’s fancy.

Let’s compare what Azzi loves about what is happening with the pandemic lockdown and his hatred for liberty and his Caliphate First ideology. The rules are not evenly or even logically distributed in both. In Azzi’s Caliphate-First ideology woman are severely punished for things that men do. During the lockdown, criminals are released and people who are trying to go to work but are put in prison. Social distancing and wearing facial or head covering is a Caliphate First requirement. Being submissive to the state or the ideology is also paramount.

In America, the government is submissive to the people.

Azzi abuses the freedom that was provided to us by our forefathers in his weekly rants.

Van Mosher

