ReOpenNH - Before the Rally and sometime during the middle: Govt signs - Granite Grok

ReOpenNH – Before the Rally and sometime during the middle: Govt signs

Health and Safety Notice

Heh!  I was not surprised when I got to the State House just a tad before 11am (the Rally has been advertised to start around noon); no one was there. It was clear, however, that the Government agencies could read and monitor social media as well as anyone else and had prepared a welcome sign for everyone (Steve previously posted it up earlier).

However, a bit later on, there was an answer to the State of NH’s statement:

I do wonder if those actions were due to just the signs themselves (on all of the sidewalks leading to the Plaza proper as well as in front of the steps) or to this at the bottom of the signs (in red)?

ReOpenNH - Misdemeanor

Or was it the intermittent rain/sleet that just tore them off the jury-rigged posts in the traffic cones?  We’ll never know, will we?

Go here and sign the ReOpenNH petition!
