Gender is confusing. That’s the lesson (too late) at the High School in Rhineland, Wisconsin where an 18-year old student went into the “genderless” bathroom and proceeded to expose his biology to an unsuspecting student who then discriminated against them by being offended.
Related: The Democrat’s Transgender Murder “Epidemic” is a Myth
In a statement, Rhinelander School District Superintendent Kelli Jacobi said that “both students went into the bathroom voluntarily.”
“This was not a random incident, both students went into the bathroom voluntarily,” she said. “That bathroom is no longer available to students. The male student will no longer be able to be on the school grounds.”
Of course, it was random. Gender is random. From moment to moment, according to the experts, you could be any of 72 different genders. Psychologically we can’t know whether Austin Saure (the accused) was feeling a little bit country or a little bit rock and roll if you catch my meaning.
His decision to “open-carry” his penis in the restroom could have been a cry for help.
Hey, state of mind at the time of the alleged offense, yes? And the “alleged attacker’s” feelings are far more important than those of the other student who alleges the assault. They may, after all, be some MAGA hat-wearing bigot, or related to one.
Where’s the context?
If Austin was having a multi-dimensional gender dysphoric moment the presence of a penis on his body may have, in fact, been the equivalent of PTSD. Where the ‘P’ stands for ‘Pee.’
OMG – What do I do with this thing. Help Me!vWait. You can’t show me that. This is the any sex bathroom not any ANY SEX bathroom! Keep it in Neutral buddy!
Hey, not my rules, I’m just an observer.
And Colonialist, cis-gendered, white-privileged bathroom etiquette aside, what if Austin felt compelled to have a “coming out” party. Spur-of-the-moment. OMG! look at this! I am a girl with a penis!
It would be discriminatory to insist that his junk could not in fact, in his mind, at that moment, mean something else.
Or, maybe he was a predator.
Austin was arrested, “for child enticement, fourth-degree sexual assault and exposing genitals to a child, according to the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office.”
And now the transgender bathroom is closed. Where in the Secular gods of our climate-doomed earth are gender-dysphoric public school students going to relieve themselves?
Maybe we need to put cartoonish pictures of human anatomy on the doors? Because if it is okay for a vagina that thinks it is a penis and a penis that thinks it is a vagina (or all the fictional things in-between) to share space (and perhaps a Coke and a smile, though not in a public school) then it should hardly be all that unsettling to ask students to check their drawers then use the matching door.
Just don’t ask anyone else to look. That’s sexual assault. So, no consultations allowed, and we should be just fine.