Frederick Douglass vs. Planned Parenthood

Percy Blakeney

Frederick Douglass vs. Planned Parenthood would likely have been a point of political engagement. Frederick Douglass was one of America’s early statesmen. He was never a holder of elective office. But, he was engaged on behalf of his community. His involvement was in serving five different presidents.

Abolitionists and the pro-life movement share respect for the sacredness of human life. Frederick Douglass “was a strong proponent of the black family” in the mid- to late 1800s.

Abolitionist, minister, community leader, supporter of the black family

Douglass was born in 1881 in Talbot County, Maryland. His death came in 1895. His life and work encourages the ending of abortion. Frederick Douglass knew that slavery should face abolition. His work was on the processes and the steps to do that. Everyone knows that he was a strong abolitionist. But Frederick Douglass was also a minister of the Gospel.

Most people don’t know the early conversion experience Frederick Douglass had in his faith. They do not understand the importance of this event in informing how he saw things. Douglass said, “I have one great political idea… The best expression of it is found in the Bible. It is in substance. Righteousness exalts a nation.”
Frederick Douglass was borrowing directly from Proverbs in a lot of the expressions that he used.

He said the Bible was his favorite book. Frederick Douglass was an early pioneer. He was somebody who stood for … righteousness and justice. Douglass was a great abolitionist. Once slavery was ended, he helped to get the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments passed.

Involvement and advocacy

Human trafficking, which should be considered modern-day slavery would be a focus for Douglass. Strengthening the black family would be a primary concern for him. Frederick Douglas was a strong proponent of the black family.  Mainly this was because of his inability to know his family because of slavery.

It is highly likely Frederick Douglass would have involvement with the issues surrounding pregnancy in the black community. Frederick Douglass would have involvement with the issues surrounding pregnancy in the black community. He would have had great concern with how to engage women who don’t know they have options. Douglass would have involvement with connecting those women to a life-affirming women’s clinic.

Douglass beliefs were in the black community. It is highly likely he would support connecting women to social services to help them make a healthy choice. Those healthy choices would be for themselves and for their unborn children. Planned Parenthood offers a legal eugenic solution.  As a man of the cloth, one with a deep faith, it is unlikely he would support killing unborn black children.

Eugenics opponent

He certainly would nor grasp the disproportionate use of abortion in the black community we see today. It seems a certainty he would recoil from it. The last 40 years has seen the creation of a network of about 3,000 pregnancy centers. Human Coalition is implements a process to connect women to these pregnancy centers. This is the type of thing Douglass would work for.

Once women connect to the network they go into a continuum of care funnel. There they can receive the services that they need. It does not work just at the time they have the child, but even after the child’s birth. Women who might not have even known that these centers were available now can be given an opportunity to have a different path. Frederick Douglass vs. Planned Parenthood would likely have been a point of engagement; a flashpoint in the battle for life.


  • Percy Blakeney

    "They seek him here, they seek him there, those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven or is he in hell? That damned elusive Pimpernel."

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