Welcome to 2020 – A Quick Look Forward and a Quick Look Back

Another decade in the can, depending on how you define decades and cans. The year 2020 lay before us. But before we leave it behind 2019 was a great year for GraniteGrok. Our best yet.

We spent a good chunk of the year scrabbling our way up the Alexa sight rankings until August when we hit number one (domestically) for print news/media online in New Hampshire.

Our internal stats tracker, the one that determines the Hot on the Grok content, captured 2.4 Million page views in 2019.

We broke digital ground on MicroGroks in Nashua, Manchester, Gilford, Windham, and the Monadnock Regions (which we’ll be developing more in Q1 of 2019).

Behind the scenes, we are still meddling with new equipment, working to find a better way to bring podcasts back, and adding partners to help pay for the rising costs of an increasingly popular website: more storage, more bandwidth, yadda, yadda.

The Grok Facebook page grew from about 2500 fans and followers a year ago to over 12,000, combined today.

Weekly Facebook reach exceeds half a million regularly, and we added a Grok Facebook Group that has grown to almost 1300 members.

2019 was very good. We hope 2020 is even better. We want to do more interviews, collude with video in new ways, and we’ll be publishing political cartoons soon.

As for 2019, before we say goodbye (not that we ever do thanks to search and archives), we wanted to share a few of the most popular posts from last year. The most popular in 2019.

Enjoy them again or if you missed them, for the first time.

And don’t forget to share!

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