But given what he's been saying so far, that's EXACTLY what Bernie Sanders wants! - Granite Grok

But given what he’s been saying so far, that’s EXACTLY what Bernie Sanders wants!

So Bernie gets pwned twice over.  First is in this obvious one – he DOES want to take everyone’s money. Just look at his “plans” for what he wants to do!  At this point, his Medicare for All / Universal Healthcare has such a large price tag, he’s been reduced to just waving his hand, stating that “it’s a large number”, and refuses to say how he’s going to pay for it. That alone, and forgetting about all the OTHER Free Stuff he wants to “give” the country, would probably quadruple (at the least) the current budget of the US (which stands at about $4.1 Trillion).  That money ain’t gonna make itself!

And Eric Spencer is right – ALL of these “Democrat Socialists” are otherizing  those that have been successful. It’s what they do.  But notice that since he has become a millionaire, Bernie only rails against Billionaires and no longer “millionaires and billionaires”. He just can’t stop being hypocritical as his “excuse” is that “well, I earned it by writing a very successful book”.

And this is how you should know him with this financial “fine for me (with three expensives dachas) but not for those other rich guys” schtick. He’s and every other one of those grifters that wish to either take our treasure or our Rights away.

They claim it’s about “fairness”. They claim it’s about “equality”. They claim it’s about “democracy”. They claim it’s about…..well, just about anything other than what it really is.

They don’t trust you with your own money.  But the real reason is about CONTROL. That’s who they really are – they don’t trust anyone outside of Government to run their own lives. Government is their tool – you are their enemy.

(H/T: Instapundit)
