American Energy Boom is a Winner for You, The Economy, and Dopey Climate Libs

We don’t shy away from our love affair with cheap, abundant energy. It is a critical cost of doing everything from lifting up an economy to securing national defense interests. Liberals appear opposed to all of that, and some Dems believe them, but will this news data change their minds?

If we were talking about kittens or puppies or something with feels, perhaps hearts and minds might change, but charts, not a lot of emotion in those. Unless you emote some sense of feeling out of them.

Let us begin with CO2 emissions. They don’t mean a thing when it comes to pollution or warming, but the Left is obsessed with it. Lower them, or we die. The Paris Climate Accord was an Obama accomplishment that did nothing about CO2. Looking 50-100 years out, there was almost no predicted impact on temperature. No duh, it doesn’t work that way. Paris was economic socialism commanded by the global government.

Trump said, screw that.

The US, which left the agreement, has engaged in a massive economy-lifting expansion in fossil fuel production. And on the whole, this exponential increase, alongside a booming economic recovery unlike any in our lifetimes, CO2 emissions (if you believe that matters) are still trending downward.

Here is a look at the ten-year projected US production compared to reality. All data care of the US Government,

US Oil Production EIA Data



And what about the energy security benefit? Well, we can see that here.

US Oil Dependence Imports

Natural Gas Production is up.

US Natural Gas Production

While US CO2 emissions continue on a downward trend, despite every energy sector Liberals, hate exploding upward.

US CO2 emissions

It’s pretty.

We get Jobs, affordable energy, lower cost of doing business, less dependence on foreign energy. 

Thank you, fracking – which Democrats want to ban. They have not stopped wanting to ban it despite it helping the economy and leading us to energy independence. Something we were told would never happen.

Under Democrats, that was true and could be again.

One more point. If CO2 still concerns you, we do not need to embrace socialism to solve that. There are several successful sequestration systems in play, one that is already going commercial. The Free market has solved that problem.

What does that mean? Capitalism will fix it, and competition will make it affordable. So, you don’t have to give up your own transportation (of choice) for trains and busses. You can live in a big house or small, in a city or the country. You do not have to give up air travel, freight shipping, or conveniences like heat and air-conditioning.

Best of all, you do not need to embrace socialism. You can continue to live in the Constitutional Republic with free speech and a right to self-defense. Trial by jury instead of facebook troll. Right to property and all the other protections – many of which have been chipped away at for decades by the same socialists who say the weather is going to kill you.

The Weather can kill you, but that’s not anyone’s fault. It’s just the weather or the planet and the sun doing what they always did before Democrats started screaming about “emissions” as an excuse to advance socialism.

One more point. Our energy abundance is detrimental to our geopolitical enemies. It makes it harder for them to be adventurous with us or our allies. 

It’s all good. Enjoy it while you have it and defend it. The Socialists are not giving up.

| Climate Depot

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