What Do Russian Money and Democrat Politicians Have In Common?

If you have grown weary of collusion hoaxes how about a real one? Attacks by various players with shared interests. Goals with significant military and economic consequences for America. Priorities shared by US Democrats and the Russian government.

Related: Technology: Fracking Just Got Cheaper and a Lower Carbon Footprint

Democrats hate cheap, abundant energy. Their actions tell us that they would rather we be dependent on foreign nations, including our enemies, for the resources that drive our economy and that are essential to a healthy sustained defensive military posture.

We’ve shared stories in the past about how the Saudis were funneling money into NGOs and Hollywood to promote anti-fracking propaganda. But did you know that Russia has spent as much as 95 million dollars doing the same thing?

Unlike most conspiracy theories about Russian meddling in Western politics, this one is out there in plain sight. The head of Nato, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said the Russians, as part of a sophisticated disinformation operation, “engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organisations — environmental organisations working against shale gas — to maintain Europe’s dependence on imported Russian gas”.

The Centre for European Studies found that the Russian government has invested $95 million in NGOs campaigning against shale gas. Russia Today television ran endless anti-fracking stories, including one that “frackers are the moral equivalent of paedophiles”. The US Director of National Intelligence stated that “RT runs anti-fracking programming … reflective of the Russian Government’s concern about the impact of fracking and US natural gas production on the global energy market and the potential challenges to Gazprom’s profitability.” Pro-Russian politicians such as Lord Truscott (married to a Russian army colonel’s daughter) made speeches in parliament against fracking.

These actions all but killed Shale Gas in Great Britain, which may have one of the world’s largest reserves a mile under their feet. All to protect a Soviet-era energy hegemony in Europe.

In the US, the Saudi’s were funding anti-fracking movies, and Democrats tried to sell the story that Russia was backing Trump to help make America’s oil companies rich.

Hillary and the entire Democrat establishment have been working as hard as the Russians to kill fracking. First in the crib and now as a significant part of the energy sector. The Democrat presidential candidates have, in varying ways, promised to end that which has freed us from foreign influence-peddling over energy and set a fire under the US economy.

And they are doing it by spreading the same lies, via environmentalist NGOs as Russian Television. Many of which may have originated with Russia and their propaganda campaign in Europe.

The Left’s anti-fracking strategy is a boon to Putin, and Russia, whose economy leans heavily on fossil fuels to hell fund its economy and to support its military. Which tells us they’d rather prop up their economy and military than our own.

| The Critic

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