NH Job Growth Continues – Setting New Records!

Data Point: Record NH Job Growth Continues! Setting New Records!

Unemployment rate – 2.6%
Jobs Created – 1,410 in November; 10,710 from Nov ’18
Workforce increased by 1,470; 12,380 since Nov ’18

The economy in New Hampshire continues to BOOM.

PRESS RELEASE: NH Unemployment Security Administrative Office

New Hampshire’s preliminary seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for November 2019 was 2.6 percent, unchanged from the October rate, which remained at 2.6 percent after revision. The November 2018 seasonally adjusted rate was 2.4 percent. 

Seasonally adjusted estimates for November 2019 placed the number of employed residents at 756,010, an increase of 1,410 from the previous month and an increase of 10,710 from November 2018. The number of unemployed residents increased by 60 over-the-month to 20,000. This was 1,670 more unemployed than in November 2018. From October to November 2019, the total labor force increased by 1,470 to 776,010. This was an increase of 12,380 from November 2018. 

The unadjusted November 2019 unemployment rate for New Hampshire was 2.3 percent, unchanged from the October rate, which remained at 2.3 percent after revision. The November 2018 unadjusted rate was 2.2 percent. 

Nationally, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for November 2019 was 3.5 percent, a decrease of 0.1 percentage point from the October rate, and a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the November 2018 rate. The national unadjusted rate for November 2019 was 3.3 percent, unchanged from the October rate, and a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the November 2018 rate. 

NOTE: State non farm employment estimates are available on our Internet Web site: www.nhes.nh.gov/elmi concurrent with this release. Local area unemployment rates are expected to be available on Thursday, December 26. All monthly data will continue to be published in the monthly newsletter New Hampshire Economic Conditions. 


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