Record NH Job Growth Continues

NH Job Growth Continues – Setting New Records!

Data Point: Record NH Job Growth Continues! Setting New Records! Unemployment rate – 2.6%Jobs Created – 1,410 in November; 10,710 from Nov ’18Workforce increased by 1,470; 12,380 since Nov ’18 The economy in New Hampshire continues to BOOM. PRESS RELEASE: NH Unemployment Security Administrative Office New Hampshire’s preliminary seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for November 2019 … Read more

More Compensation and Job Growth In Right To Work States

Compensation RTW vs Forced Union - RTW states do better in both categoriesIf union thugs are not beating on you, they are lying to you (about job growth and wage growth), and so is your President.  But here’s the truth…

According to Michigan’s Mackinac Center, using data taken from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics, private-sector, inflation-adjusted employee compensation in right-to-work states increased by 12% between 2001 and 2011 compared with just 3% over the same period in forced-unionization states.

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