Qualifications to Head DCCC

What exactly are the qualifications to head the DCCC? Western Journal has been on a rant about this and maybe for good reason. The new executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) was announced last week. She’s, as one would expect she is a pro-abortion Democrat.

What identity politics looks like

According to Politico, she’s also Hispanic. That checks off a major bigot box for the Democrats. You see the Democrats no longer believe it is the content of one’s character which is important. If you are a Democrat today it is which identity boxes you check that matters.

The former executive director, Allison Jaslow, was one of many who left the over the summer. There was a coup at the DCCC based on racial composition of the group . The leaders of the coup attacked the party’s lack of diversity in the top of the ranks.

Racial quotas

It seems shortsighted and ignorant to invoke racial quotas in a campaign committee. What’s wrong with taking the best people you can find for the job? But then again not discriminating based on race is a good thing. Shouldn’t we be blind to race and sensitive to ability and demonstrated performance?

Gender discrimination

Looking at Guinn’s Twitter history, if the content is any indication, she would eliminate diversity in another way. She thinks if you are male you shouldn’t be running for office. Maybe eliminating half of the populace before the race starts could be considered bigoted?

Back in February, a Leftist Twitter user tweeted this great idea: “Anyone else having the feeling that maybe we shouldn’t let boys run for office anymore?”

“Sure do,” Guinn responded, along with the hashtag “#electwomen.” The post was from earlier this year. It isn’t ancient history

There may be a hint of sexism here. Probably, but that’s for the Party to decide. But do we really want to be led by group of racist, sexist bigots? If the shoe fits…

Recent DCCC History

The whole dust up began with a Free Beacon report on Tayhlor Coleman. Coleman is an African-American woman hired by the DCCC as its minority outreach director. The report brought to light her history of homophobic and racially problematic tweets.

“#ThingsIDontRemember: giving a lesbian my number during Mardi Gras. Now she keeps calling me. #awkward #yikes #homophobia,” one tweet read. She also wrote that she was “concerned about my safety” because the snacks in a vending machine were all Mexican.

The Squad

“The Democratic Party has attacked progressive leaders in Congress for ‘making the party look bad.’” One of the Facebook ads from the  read, “However, just this week, multiple members of the DCCC leadership have resigned over issues of diversity within the DCCC’s ranks.”


As a classic liberal let me observe, genitals don’t determine whether someone has good ideas. People, Roe v. Wade, came from the votes of seven men. Are there qualifications to head DCCC beyond race and gender? Probably this makes me a racist, sexist, bigot Islamophobe and worse… but what does the Democrat selection of leadership people tell you about the Party. Do you want that for leadership of the nation?

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