Qualifications to Head DCCC

Qualifications to Head DCCC

What exactly are the qualifications to head the DCCC? Western Journal has been on a rant about this and maybe for good reason. The new executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) was announced last week. She’s, as one would expect she is a pro-abortion Democrat. What identity politics looks like According to … Read more

The War on Women Is Not Over

How do you know when a Democrat is lying?  Their lips are moving.  And Rosengate, the shooting star calamity set off by Hilary Rosen’s orchestrated  remarks about Ann Romney and how stay at home mom’s don’t work, provides that much more proof that the adage is true.

Brad Woodhouse from the Democrat National Committee, from yesterday I believe…

“On Thursday, as the Rosen saga unfolded, DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse echoed her plea for peace. ‘I’m not a fan of the term,’ he said in an interview. ‘I mean, I’m sure I’ve probably used it. We all fall into these easy vernaculars … but we in the DNC have not been running a campaign based on the term ‘war on Women.’ That’s a myth cooked up by Republicans.’”

Really?  Cooked up by Republicans?

May 26th 2011, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS), in one of her earliest public speeches as the DNC chair siad…

“The war on women that the Republicans have been waging since they took over the House,” she said, “I think is going to not only restore but possibly helps us exceed the president’s margin of victory in the next election.”

I’m sure we’re taking this out of context but when the Chairman of the DNC says…’The war on women that Republicans have been waging…” that whole “myth cooked up by Republican’s thing” starts to lose some of its umph!

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DCCC Annual “Ruin Thanksgiving” Cheat Sheet

Every Thanksgiving we can now expect the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) to do to your holiday what it has done to everything else it touches–ruin it. This year is no different.  They have once again equipped your obnoxious left-leaning relatives and friends with their very own palm-card.

The DCCC ‘cheat sheet,’ is a recurring feature (not unlike Irritated Bowel Syndrome) whose name the Free Republic correctly identified in 2009 as eponymous to the Party that produces it.  2012 is no exception.  This years Cheat is filled with cherry picked, out of context, tin-foil hat foolishness, spun and slanted as it strives to fulfill the maxim, the bigger the lie the more likely it is toTurkey be believed.  (If Yves Goyut was alive we could add these to his collection of Socialist Fallacies.)

Unfortunately for the progressives we are no longer forced to listen to their media narratives and the Cheat sheet only serves to clarify who not to invite to next years feast.

So without further ado, here it is. The Annual DCCC Turkey. 

Wait!  Same warning as last year.  Make sure you are not drinking anything while you read it.  You may start laughing and we don’t want to detour any beverages through your nasal cavities.  Eggnog comes to mind.  Not pretty.  Kind of like the 2012 DCCC Cheat Sheet.

By the way, the cheat sheet starts with some Democrat Majority ‘accomplishments" none of which include producing a budget (which Democrats have continued to obstruct for over three years now).

(See the bullet points on the jump)

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DCCC Thanksgiving Cheat Sheet

The Morons at the DCCC have done the nation a service this Thanskgiving.  They have sent out an email to arm the tin-foil hat army with a ‘cheat sheet’ in the event that they find themselves in this unfortunate situation.

You’re settling in at the table on Thursday and in between shouts of "please pass the mashed potatoes," one of your relatives starts repeating one of Sarah Palin‘s lies, or some ludicrous accusation about President Obama that he heard at a tea party rally or on Rush Limbaugh‘s radio show.

There’s only one problem. The cheat sheet does not equip the Reynolds wrap wearing acolytes of liberalism with anything new.  What it amounts to is things they can yell instead of engaging in debate.  But the DCCC is not to be discouraged.

That’s why we’re proud to bring back the DCCC’s Thanksgiving Cheat Sheet. The Cheat Sheet will arm you with the real facts so you can answer back with the truth as soon as your Republican relatives start sounding like Sarah Palin.

I think this is the same card they sent out to the House reps to run on for reelection.  It really is just crap to be shouted over the Yams and stuffing, a list of so-called democrat accomplishments–only they left one out.  "Having policies so unpopular with the voters that they lost 63 House seats."

It’s about the only good thing to come out of that damn party and they left it off the list.

That’s OK. You know what to do if you encounter the cheat sheet.  Just ask polite questions.  They have no idea how to answer them.  They don’t know anything that is not on the cheat sheet.

And my suggestion for democrats this Thanksgiving?  This list is a real turkey. Pretend to be an independent.

The Cheat sheet is on the jump.  Don’t drink anything while you read it or it’s coming out your nose and all over your computer.  You have been warned.

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