Why Gates and the WEF Attack Cows

The WEF does not confine itself to transforming agricultural production by allowing corporate profiteers to feast at the trough of innovations, technologies, data-driven tracking, AI, and other chemical-churning initiatives to counter the carbon dioxide culprit: it has an urgent plan to transform what people eat. Unsurprisingly, the WEF focuses on climate, equity, and gender as … Read more

Cows on Trial in New York

New York Attorney General Letitia James has filed suit against the world’s largest beef producer, JBS USA Food Company, claiming its false advertising of climate-remediation efforts induced consumers to purchase products that are not environmentally friendly.

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Milking Cows for Methane

Novel scientific processes are being developed to reduce methane production by cows, including feeding milk cows the chemical 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) as an “enteric inhibitor,” marketed under the brand name BovaerⓇ in Europe and pending approval for cows in the U.S. Other experimental additives include red seaweed (being fed to cows for Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream).

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Incredible that the Left treats animals better than some kids

We see this “mis-attention” all the time.  For instance, we’ve all heard the Left wail about kids crossing the border were housed in cages – a practice blamed on Trump but started by Obama.  More locally, NH State Rep Katherine Rogers is all in for not allowing cats to be declawed (HB1387) and acting as … Read more

If you are milking cows, you’re a sexual abuser according to NYU Feminists

No, really?  Doing the act so that I can have my morning breakfast of a 16 oz cup of chocolate milk (Hershy’s, natch) is sexual abuse? I’m not sure whether to cry, scream, laugh, or send the author to that Berkley Adulting course (reformatted, emphasis mine): NY univ. promotes paper comparing cow insemination to ‘rape,’ milking … Read more

Concentrate on Solutions. It’s a Win-Win situation.

Larry the Cable Guy

This has been around a bit, and I can’t seem to find any evidence that it is not from Larry the Cable guy, and it made me laugh, so here you go.

Everyone concentrates on the problems we’re having in this country lately: illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida ..

Not me. I concentrate on solutions for the problems. It’s a win-win situation.

1. Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
2. Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levies.
3. Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.

Any other problems you would like for me to solve today ? Yes?

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Progressive Flatulence

So maybe the 700,000 taxpayer dollars given to UNH to advance the study of “organic farming” was not just a left wing exercise in global warming alarmist advocacy. Maybe, just maybe, it was not meant to study cow farts.

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