Governor Sununu Just Sent Liberal Gun Grabbers a Message. We aren’t Turning the Granite State into Baltimore

New Hampshire Democrat’s played politics with mass murder. While loved-ones were still being notified in Dayton and El Paso they sent three anti-gun bills they’d sat on for 39 days to NH Gov. Chris Sununu’s desk. He vetoed them.

Related: Chicagoland – New Red Flag Laws, More Officers Do Nothing to Stem “Gun Violence”

Chris Sununu may be socially liberal but when he ran for office, he promised conservatives and libertarians that he would stand up for their second amendment rights. He signed a constitutional carry bill into law in his first term and consistently opposes left-wing gun-grabbing legislation.

In 2018 New Hampshire had a Democrat wave election. Republicans lost the State House, State Senate, and Executive Council. But voters kept Sununu in the Corner office. Democrats will wade through the blood and bodies to make the case that this was a mistake.

You know it’s not.

The left in New Hampshire is no less looney than anywhere else. Their gun legislation mirrors the failed methods of Baltimore and Chicago. Places that have more violent crimes and murders in days and weeks than the Granite State has in a year.

It’s safe here. Safer than almost anywhere else in the country. We have concealed and open carry. Pistol-revolver licensing is optional. There are very few gun-free zones and most businesses that try to promote them must know that the liberty community has not complied.

Criminals can never know unless they are ridiculously stupid and ill-informed if they will have force superiority.

Plenty of Democrats quietly carry.

We don’t have cowboys or blood in the streets. But the Democrats can’t get to the sort of top-down, ruling-class, supremacy government they want without getting our guns so they will keep trying.

Governor Sununu just sent Liberal Gun Grabbers a message. We aren’t turning the Granite state into Baltimore or Chicago. Not on his watch.

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