Today, Governor Sununu kept his promise and vetoed Senate Bill 1 – the Democrats’ Paid Family Leave bill that is nothing but another huge government-run program paid for with a tax on the incomes of hard-working Granite Staters who DON’T WANT an income tax.
The Democrats’ solution to paid leave — Senate Bill 1 (SB1) — is an income tax and make no mistake, the people of New Hampshire do not support that approach. Today, I unequivocally VETOED the Democrats’ income tax.
— Chris Sununu (@GovChrisSununu) May 9, 2019
Below is a statement from the NH GOP:
Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement regarding the veto of Senate Bill 1, the Democrat Income Tax:
“Today, Governor Sununu stood with the people of New Hampshire in vetoing the deeply flawed and destructive Senate Bill 1 – the Democrat Income Tax. This is exactly why the people of New Hampshire re-elected Governor Sununu with the highest vote total of any Governor in a midterm election in New Hampshire history – to hold the line on pieces of legislation, like Senate Bill 1, that will destroy the New Hampshire Advantage. While Democrats played games and delayed this bill from getting to the Governor’s desk, the Governor is sending a clear message to the businesses, workers, and families of New Hampshire that he will defend their interests in Concord. State House Democrats now have plenty of time to adjust the budget to remove this legislation and restore the Governor’s original proposal for the voluntary Twin State family leave plan.”
Democrats are losing what little they have left of their collective minds and even getting, once again, out-of-state Democrats running for president to tell the governor of NH what the people of the Granite State want:
Of course, both of these senators come from high-tax states so an income tax is nothing knew for THEM.
Paid family leave is good for families, good for the economy, and should be guaranteed in New Hampshire and every state across our country. Deeply disappointed in this decision.
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) May 9, 2019
No one should ever have to make the impossible choice between a paycheck and caring for a loved one. SB 1 would have brought thousands of New Hampshire families paid leave—what every family deserves. Governor Sununu's veto is a disgrace.
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) May 9, 2019
If you aren’t familiar with Senate Bill 1 – here’s a brief example of exactly what it does from Elliot Axelman:
It’s a Tax on Income
The Legislation would use a 0.5% tax on income/payroll to fund a program which would pay out weekly benefits so that new mothers and those caring for sick or injured relatives could be paid without working. Though the tax is based on a percentage of one’s income, the benefit has a lower and upper limit. This makes the horrible tax-funded program into a redistribution of wealth program.
The socialist bill technically creates a payroll tax. This is the exact same thing as an income tax, but it’s even more horrible than a simple income tax would be. Because the language requires that employers pay the tax, it will not appear on each individual’s paycheck. This means that thousands of Granite State workers will remain unaware of this new tax.
Thankfully, Governor Sununu listened to the MAJORITY of Granite Staters and vetoed this ridiculous legislation that only created another behemoth government ‘redistribution of wealth’ program all on the backs of hard-working citizens who never, EVER want an income tax!