DISQUS Doodlings: “If we want to make better decisions or do things in our society’s self-interest, we need to be tricked into doing them”


Yeah, Treehugger time again: “Environmentalists aren’t voting. This plan could help”.

Environmentalists are shockingly bad at voting. During the 2014 midterm, only 21 percent of environmentalist registered voters actually voted, compared to 44 percent of general registered voters. Environmental problems are, by their very “nature,” large-scale problems that require large-scale solutions. That’s why voting is so important — the government is one of the few entities that can actually get the whole country to do something.

So The Environmental Voter Project is trying to make sure environmentalists actually get out to vote.

At a Democrat Convention past, the phrase “Government is the only thing we all belong to” was born – and Conservatives quickly picked up on it because we KNOW that Democrats believe that we BELONG to the government (instead of the other way around). Now, this watermelon environmentalist makes it clear when you add in the newer phrase that’s going around since Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex put out her Green New Deal that can ONLY happen when Government controls everything – and everyone: “socialism can be voted in, but it takes a gun to get out.”

Of course, I had to write something about these Treehuggers / enviro-socialists have decided to throw in the towel about persuading individuals to their way of being enviro-conscious and are relying on the century-old totalitarianism – use Govt to MAKE you be green:

“...the government is one of the few entities that can actually get the whole country to do something…”

Think you used the wrong word; not “get” but “FORCE“. That’s what government does. And as much as this site is anti-Trump for a whole host of reasons, remember this. It is because ‘the other side” wanted certain powers to “get” things done that Trump now has the same Powers. The environmentalists now want Govt to have the power to do “certain things” you believe to be right.

Remember, the political pendulum swings both ways and the new Powers you give government now can and WILL be used against your interests when your opposition gains control. Stop being stupid and stop ignoring this basic political premise.

Me? I want most of these Powers (that Government has given itself) stripped from it altogether so that finally WE can decide, each of us individually, for ourselves and not some far off politician (even those that I might otherwise like) deciding they know better what is best for me here – and, again, falling for F.A. Hayek’s premise of “the hubris of knowledge” when they only real demonstrable talent they have is to get just one more vote than they other guy.

It’s the same thing that the Democrats failed to realize (and Republicans before them, and the Democrats before them, ad nauseum) that in giving the Powers that Congress should have and wield to the Executive Branch that there is so much angst on the Left.  Frankly, both sides have been warned but neither listened and so we are here.

At Tribalism – and the level of the Political Parties.  It isn’t about Congress vs. the Executive Branches that’s the current problem – it is about the Parties in a titanic struggle over it all regardless of the Branch they control or wish to control. The Founders, I remind you, felt that each BRANCH would jealously guard its purview and Powers against the others (Congress against President against Judiciary, round and round, with “mini-bouts” between the House and Senate); that was part of the check and balance. These Constitutional checkpoints were never designed to work against a system that has become Party bound where the Govt Branches have become secondary to the struggle of “What should America be?”.

As I have blogged before, my role is to stick up for the Free Marketplace where I and YOU get to make the best decisions for US and our FAMILIES without coercion in voluntary trades of value (my money for your good or service) that benefit both sides.

Not these eco-socialists – I fight a rearguard action over at Treehugger (hint, hint, me’hearties!). Well, of COURSE, one of the denizens decided to call me a Cultist simply because I believe that Individuals should be making their own decisions and making them voluntarily.  I had more to say but Steve the Editor would say I need another post with which to reply.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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