Blue Collar Job Growth Highest in 30 years

The Trump economy can add another feather to its cap. The growth of traditional blue collar jobs has reached its highest rate since Ronald Reagan was President.

Jobs in goods-producing industries — mining, construction, and manufacturing — grew 3.3 percent in the year preceding July, the best rate since 1984, according to a Washington Post analysis.

How long will it last?

Longer than Obama’s. His economy was running on all cylinders at around 2%. We were told that the halcyon days of higher rates of growth were behind us. America was in decline, and we should like it. Manufacturing jobs were things we lamented. Relics of bygone days. Things that the free market could no longer create and that we’d never see again unless the government took money from profitable sectors and forced those jobs into existence.

It tried. The entire Good Jobs Green Jobs Democrat Party narrative swallowed hundreds of billions and provided nothing of value unless you value more government to manage pricey unimpeachable systemic failures. Democrats, do.

Mr. Trump comes along and instead of stealing from the “rich” to give to Democrat donors, asks for tax cuts for everyone – which Democrats still oppose. He also institutes an institutional change in the use of regulatory force.

Let the people who earn it keep more of it and get government out of the way. It costs taxpayers nothing to try it, and if you are capable of being remotely honest, the results have been remarkable.

Blacks, Hispanics, Young People, and now Blue Collar workers are all benefitting from record-breaking improvements in employment while the GDP ignores Democrat prognostications for long-term economic malaise.

Democrats were wrong about a lot of things. There is no evidence that this trend won’t continue.

Yes, there are potential consequences for too much growth too quickly, but those aren’t things Mr. Obama ever had to consider. But mark my words. If we find ourselves confronted with higher inflation because of economic growth, Mr. Obama won’t take any credit whatsoever for that which is fine.

The only thing he deserves any credit for is giving us Trump in the first place which, as far as jobs and the economy goes, is the only credit for which Mr. Obama can lay claim.

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