UNH Student Admits – Out of State Students Stole Senate Election for Maggie Hassan

Yesterday, Ed Mosca beat me to the punch on reporting the latest histrionics from the New Hampshire left. House Bill 372, requires anyone who votes in an election with an out of state ID to obtain an NH ID within 60 days of casting that vote.

According to the screeching chorus, that’s a poll tax. But as Ed points out,

The problem with the poll tax argument is that HB 372 does not require the payment of any tax or fee or fine to vote.  Even if you failed to pay your property taxes, or failed to register your car, or hunted without a license or ran a toll booth on the way to the polling place, you still get to vote.  So it’s inaccurate and misleading to claim that HB 372 is a poll tax.

That’s why Snowflake Janowski … characterizes HB 372 as a post-election poll tax.  But that characterization is just as inaccurate and misleading.  HB 372 does not involve any post-election check on whether voters are current on their taxes, fines, and fees, and then negate the votes of those who are delinquent.  The ballots of tax-scofflaws, toll-booth runners and poachers stand.

Ed points to the NH ACLU, pull quotes from the NH Young Democrats, and Dartmouth student Elizabeth Janowski. Over at The New Hampshire (TNH), the UNH campus “paper,” contributing writer Olivia Olbrych, is singing the same song. (I think they all went to the same “meeting.”)

This bill would require that people who vote with an out of state ID (college students, members of the military and temporary workers) who vote in New Hampshire, obtain an NH ID within 60 days of voting in an election. This provision, which is constitutionality is questionable, essentially would create a post-election poll tax because they would be paying motor vehicle fees for their right to vote.

Do you mean like everyone else who lives and votes here?

There are some other problems with this argument. First, most members of the military and “temporary workers” who are not working in a Democrat political campaign in the Granite State are voting from New Hampshire but not in New Hampshire. They are voting absentee based on the address on their out of state ID.

We know that voting by absentee ballot is not a hardship because New Hampshire Democrats have proposed legislation that would allow absentee voting in every election by anyone. And the insufferable cost and bother of applying postage have not, to my knowledge, been pilloried as a poll tax.

Nor has the insufferable cost and bother of packing up some belongings and traveling to New Hampshire to go to UNH so you can vote here.

In the case of “students” with out-of-state ID, the address on that ID is the address from which they applied to attend UNH. It is the billing address for loans. If the student or their guardian is using tax-deferred savings plans to finance any or all of that education it is the address the bank submits to the IRS. And the same address they’ll visit should someone attempt to commit fraud. (Like using that address to vote in New Hampshire?)

And it is the address that UNH uses to determine if they can screw the “student” with the exorbitant cost of non-residence tuition, a charge which has not, to my knowledge, ever been called a poll tax.

I could go on at length along these lines but I won’t because there is another point to be made from the musing of TNH contributing writer, Olivia Olbrych.

Additionally, it seems Republicans have a vendetta against college students because the student vote in Durham, with record voter turnout, can claim responsibility for getting Senator Maggie Hassan elected in 2016.

Out-of-state students, paying out-of-state tuition are responsible for electing Maggie Hassan to the US Senate.

Hassan only won by 1000 votes. That means, New Hampshire residents, that Maggie Hassan is ‘Not your Senator.’

She was elected as a result of collusion between New Hampshire Democrats and out of state college students, most of whom are not going to stay here anyway. But if they do, they will need to get an NH ID or an NH driver’s license, just like the rest of us.

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