Evil Billionaire And His Brother Try To Buy The US Senate

Tom Steyer's dirty coal_hands
Tom Steyer’s Hands are Dirty from Coal

When someone tells you a pair of rich brothers are trying to buy up the government do you think of Tom and Jim Steyer?  You should.  They are looking to buy up the US Senate for Liberal Democrats, and Tom has admitted as much.  They want to impose a radical green agenda on the nation–from which they will (coincidentally?) profit at taxpayer expense.

NH Senator Jeanne Shaheen, who attended an exclusive fundraiser at the Steyer compound outside San Francisco, where she feasted on salmon and grass-fed beef from the Steyer ranch, is in line to benefit from their largesse.

Jeanne wont tell you that Tom Steyer is a professional rent seeker or that he made part of his fortune off what Jeanne would call dirty energy.   She also wont tell you that Steyer probably opposes Keystone XL, not because he says it is not green, but because he is a shareholder of a major competitor. Koch industries, on the other hand, has expressed no stake or interest in Keystone.

So it is about green, just not the kind you were led to believe.  And Jeanne, who wants the green, but might not want the headaches that go with taking it,  has to decide.  “Should she Steyer Should She go…”

It just so happens that, according to a report titled Hypocrisy & Hedge Funds: Climate Change Warrior Tom Steyer’s Secret Life as Coal Investment Kingpin,  Tom Steyer and his hedge fund may be one of the leading money makers from investments in thermal coal, in America.

In order to gain an appreciation of the extent of Farallon’s epic involvement in the coal sector under Mr. Steyer’s tenure one needs to spend time in Jakarta and Sydney, and in the regional financing centers in Hong Kong and Singapore, and speak to professionals (bankers, lawyers, mining consultants and principals) who were directly involved in these Farallon-sponsored coal transactions. With a modicum of effort one discovers that since 2003 Farallon has played the pivotal role in financing the tremendous restructuring and growth in thermal coal production in the region. All of this took place under Mr. Steyer’s tenure as founder and senior partner of Farallon.

Read the complete report on Steyer and Coal embedded in this article at Powerline

So…is there more “dirty energy” money in Extreme Green Shaheen’s future?


Video Courtesy of American committment

Note: On March 22nd, 2014 we interviewed the president of American Commitment, Phil Kerpen, on GrokTALK!

H/T Powerline

H/T Washington Free Beacon



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