Million Dollar National Science Foundation Grant Funds New Anti-Bias Guide from UNH

Steve MacDonald

Two years ago, in July of 2015, the University of New Hampshire made national news over a Bais-Free Language guide which suggested, among other things, that the word ‘American’ is problematic.

The media firestorm produced a clarification from UNH President Mark Huddleston and a defense of free speech, a retraction of the guide from university servers, and a complete retooling of their Inclusive Excellence/snowflake diversity digital landscape.

The well-funded Orwellian administrative and educational infrastructure behind all of that, however, remained unchanged, as did the culture that felt the Bias language guide was both important and necessary.

Now, the National ‘Science’ Foundation has given the University of New Hampshire a million dollars ($999,752) to, “explore strategies for preventing “bias incidents” perpetrated against minorities in science,…(and create a) “bias awareness guide and intervention tool.”

It is part of a three-million-dollar disbursement by the NSF to fight microaggressions in STEM fields, and this is just what UNH needs /sarcasm.

In 2016 the University of New Hampshire was awarded the Most Microaggressed Campus in America. An award it received in part for the Bias free language guide and some other indiscretions, including an NSF-funded gender microaggression pamphlet designed to improve the climate for UNH faculty through fair and equitable policies, practices and leadership development.

And now they’ve got a fresh influx of federal dollars to fan the flames of a Free speech culture that has been hanging by a thread for some time. Research that aligns with their 2010-2020 Inclusive Excellence Strategic plan. A plan not dissimilar to those at many Universities across the nation. Not all of them have violated students’ constitutional rights much, or too often, just yet.

A “Political Science” situation that does not appear to concern a National Science Foundation that is more than happy to promote cultural Marxism funded with your tax dollars.

“Grant proposals submitted to NSF are generated by the proposing institution and principal investigators involved in the proposal,” Mixon explained. “Proposals are reviewed by NSF using our merit review process, and awards are recommended based on that process.”

Someone should apply for an NSF grant to study the science of aggression perpetrated by the science of microaggressions and how it encourages intolerance and violence against property and people who do not drink the anti-bias social justice inclusive excellence kool-aid.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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