Amherst College

Amherst College Speech Guide Tells Students What Capitalism and Exceptionalism Should Mean

The Amherst College Office of Diversity and Inclusion released a ‘common language document‘ for all of its students this past week. If you are guessing that it was not at all diverse and exclusionary you’d be correct. A problem that led to the office reversing course within days.

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Million Dollar National Science Foundation Grant Funds New Anti-Bias Guide from UNH

Two years ago, in July of 2015, the University of New Hampshire made national news over a Bais-Free Language guide which suggested, among other things, that the word ‘American’ is problematic.

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Is Free Speech Doomed at UNH?

UNH, like most universities, is weighted down by diversity curricula and all the anti-free-speech BS that goes with it. This handicap culminated in the very public unmasking of the  UNH Bias-Free Language guide that, among other things, suggested the word American might be problematic.

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Inclusiveness Requires Censorship?

The big story last week was a University Language guide that finger-wagged “problematic” words in order to create a more inclusive campus environment. The story went national. We discuss why removing the guide doesn’t change the culture that birthed it, then move on to our next guest to discuss the debate on legalizing drugs.

How The Word ‘American’ Became Problematic

The big news this week was a University of New Hampshire Language Guide that explained what words were problematic in conversation and should be avoided to foster diversity and “inclusiveness.” We journey back to the 1990’s with our Ed expert Jorge Mesa-Tejada to explain when this problem with the word “American” began.

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In Case You Missed it…Here’s the Entire UNH Bias Free Language Guide

Yes, they took it down(after massive media attention), but they did put it up in the first place. So for your continued “enjoyment” (if only as a historical lesson) I give you (from the still fully operation battle-station at the UNH Department of Diversity) The Bias-Free Language Guide.  

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UNH Has a Biased Bias-Free Language Guide …

Campus Reform has exposed some Orwellian Speech policing right here in New Hampshire’s backyard. It is the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide.

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