2016 Governorship Primay: Chris Sununu – another Republican Elite disdaining the Republican Platform?

by Skip

NHGOP I voted for Medicaid Expansion all I got t-shirt JPG

What is it about the top  Leadership in the NH GOP (and her and elected / candidate Politicians (and here, here, here and here))…

Sidenote from that last link:  Rogue Republicans ™ that have abandoned pretty much every Plank in the Republican Platform. Not limited but MORE government, not less but MORE taxes, not being able to be left alone but MORE intrusiveness, not less but MORE debt for our kids to pay off, and not more but LESS choice. And we can thank NH State Senator Jeb Bradley, NH State Senator Nancy Stiles, NH State Senator Chuck Morse, and NH State Senator Bob Odell. And their cohorts NH State Senator Jeannie Forrester, NH State Senator David Boutin, and NH State Senator Jim Rausch for it.

…and following what they “SAY” they believe in (the Party Platform) – and then what they actually do after campaigning on its principles once they get their butts safely ensconsed in their NH political seats in either the NH House or Senate.  And especially on the case of the Democrat Agenda Item One – Obamacare and Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion?

Image: WMUR- Political Scoop

And now comes a scion of one of NH’s Political Royalty Families – NH Councilor Chris Sununu who now running for NH Governor.  Is he pledging fealty to what the Republican base has declared to the the NH Republican Principles?  Is he going to steadfastly be that granite cliff wall against the continuing march to socialism?  Is he determined to stand strong against increasing Democrat Welfare state that turns formerly strong independent citizens into waifs dependant on The State for their well being?

Umm, no.

Here’s what Chris Sununu said to Paul Steinhauser at NH1 News:

And Sununu, who in the past opposed Medicaid expansion, said a state House of Representatives bill that would extend Medicaid expansion for another two years is “probably a good step forward.”

I think it’s probably a good step forward. I like the idea that we’re moving forward without any tax payer burden, any tax burden on the taxpayers back. We have essentially a public-private partnership helping to fund it as we move forward, and those are very positive steps. What I would like to see is a long term strategy for this state, not simply taking it in two or four year chunks,” Sununu said.

Sure, a good step forward – in pandering to Democrats and those that want “free stuff”.  Those that expect Government to take care of them instead of them being self reliant and self-sufficient.   Nothing about “Live Free or Die” has ever meant that someone has a claim on someone else to provide for them – yet that’s seemingly being affirmed by Chris Sununu.  That’s probably the most egregious part of this – Republicans continuing to buy into the Democrat / Progressive / Socialist lie that government is supposed to be one of Positive Rights – that government is SUPPOSED to do things FOR you instead of one of Negative Rights by restraining Government in what it CAN’T do?  And if that pernicious turning-upside-down philosophy continues to move apace, does that ensnare the Republicans into being part of the Democrats efforts to render the words and the meanings of both the US AND NH Constitutions moot and of no use?

Look, Chris is supposed to be a smart guy – graduated from MIT – so being a Smart Person and a politician, he knows that words matter.  Yet look at the absolute LIE he pushes forward:  “we’re moving forward without any tax payer burden, any tax burden on the taxpayers back“.  Really, Chris, you expect us to close our eyes, hold our nose, and swallow that?  EVERY WHICH WAY this thing is funded (here’s the Fiscal Note of the “Rep. LaChance’s bill is the train that’s going to leave the station,” that’s about to screw NH taxpayers all over).

He continues the Lie (similar to old Western movies showing a dusty little town whose building are only fronts and nothing behind that front) that there will be no tax payer burden?  WE ARE THE TAXPAYERS – stop with that facade that it is Federal Tax Monies that are paying for this because WE are those Federal TAX PAYERS!  Stop with the nonsense and the “hide the sausage” game foolery – unless you take us to be as stupid as the Democrats believe we are!


ME Fiscal Note Summary

You can read this, Chris – TELL US WHAT IT SAYS!  You are a CEO – would you be willing that any NH citizen can come and ski at your Waterville Valley Ski Resort without paying?  Essentially, that’s what you are saying.  Look at how FAST the amount to be paid out of the NH General Fund rises: from $10 to almost $50 million in four short year!  Where is that going to come from Chris?  Remember, the Feds are going to rachet down the amount they are paying – how are you going to pay for that, Chris?

About that “a public-private partnership helping to fund it as we move forward” bit – so NH State Senator Jeb Bradley (R-Progressive) sets that all up but do you agree with that turning free market principles upside down?  With BradleyCare’s setting up of almost monopolistic fiefdoms around NH hospitals’ area of operations so that they can charge higher fees (would that just be so dandy for YOUR industry?) and thus be able to “voluntarily” contribute back to the General Fund?  And that only continues through for a couple of years – what happens after that?

And by the way – that word “voluntary” absolutely means the ability to say “No” – what will you do if they do exactly that?  That’s supposed to be a good chunk of change – how will that effect your budget?  Will you raise “fees, fines, and taxes” to keep the size and reach of NH government the same, or will you shrink it?

Here’s what it comes down to: Does the Republican Platform even matter any more to Republicans?  And if it doesn’t, of what use is the Republican Party in opposing the Democrats?

Jr. Partners of the Democrats.  Lesser Keepers of the Welfare State.  Politics over Principles. 

“Looking out for our Own Political Asses since we lost our way back in 2000’s”


Sidenote 2 (another one below that Chris ought to read):  Here’s the NH GOP Presser I mentioned in that first link:

Once again, I ask: what about the Platform that saysignore me whenever it becomes inconvenient?” (emphasis mine):

NH GOP Republican State Committee

For Immediate Release: November 7, 2013
Contact: NHGOP Press, (603) 225-9341


Concord – New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chairman Jennifer Horn released the following statement today on the health care plan proposed by Senate Republicans:

“Republicans and Democrats share the goal of expanding access to health care for New Hampshire’s low income families. However, Republicans understand that the best way to reach this objective is to offer access to high quality private insurance instead of pushing them into a broken, financially struggling entitlement program.

“Senator Republicans have developed a sensible plan that helps low-income people get private insurance and prevents a fiscal crisis that will impose an income tax on Granite State families. They have worked across the aisle to develop a solution that is right for New Hampshire. It is time for Governor Hassan to put aside her rigid, partisan ideology and embrace this responsible plan that will help working families access the quality health care that they need.”


Sidenote 3: These were general questions when I posted them – but they do fit for Chris to answer:

So I offered a few questions that could be asked:

WHY are you doing this? Is it really to merely take it off the table politically to smooth the way for re-election (like Boenher & boys did in DC with the debt ceiling)?

Is getting re-elected worth advancing the Democrat agenda by getting Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion implemented in NH? Isn’t that rather selfish: career before Party?

WHY is the Federal money going to go “off-budget”? Does that mean that the STate of NH will have no oversight?

If the State of NH is going to have oversight, isn’t this going to necessarily going to expand “limited government”?

WHY are we going to force self-reliant people onto government mandated dependency?

There is talk that the Feds are already trying to wiggle out of the 3 years at 100% – Mr. Morse, would that change the bill?

You are saying that “waivers must be granted” – you don’t believe that to get the camel nose under the tent and simply grant them so as to take away a faux firewall?

Are you really expecting us to believe that that the Legislature REALLY is going to discontinue the program after 3 years? Really? Do you think we are THAT Stupid? Progressives do, but do you?

You have already seen Committee after Committee condemn this legislation – why are you so willing to further sully the Republican brand with the base and Republican leaning independents (who pretty much will give you an FU and walk away)?

What is the quid pro quo – there has to be SOME arrangement to be doing this, yes?

How’s is it that you, the leaders in the NH State Senate, feel so comfortable in breaking just about every Plank in the Party Platform?

C’mon, you can tell me – you really DID vote for Obama, right? You ARE a Progressive Republican, right?

Medicaid has already proven to LOWER medical outcomes, especially when compared to totally uninsured people?

Are you aware that a large and significant number of doctors are no longer accepting Medicaid patients – and that nationwide, we are now seeing the same actions due to lowered Obamacare reimbursement rates?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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