NH State Senator Repubs approved Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion – The Fallout Begins


FIRST!  We applaud those that stood tall and voted against the Morse / Bradley Medicaid  Expansion bill: NH State Senator Andy Sanborn, NH State Senator John Reagan, NH State Senator Sam Cataldo, NH State Senator Sharon Carson, and NH State Senator Russell Prescott.

We’ve been writing for a while that we absolutely believe that if the NH State Senate Republicans were to pass Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion, the Live Free or Die state will be no more.  No, we aren’t going to be physically absorbed by Massachusetts but our Live Free or Die philosophy will continue to die – that Individual  mattered most, that people were responsible for themselves and not on Government. That will now change due to the fecklessnes of the Rogue Republicans ™ that have abandoned pretty much every Plank in the Republican Platform.  Not limited but MORE government, not less but MORE taxes, not being able to be left alone but MORE intrusiveness, not less but MORE debt for our kids to pay off, and not more but LESS choice.  And we can thank NH State Senator Jeb Bradley, NH State Senator Nancy Stiles, NH State Senator Chuck Morse, and NH State Senator Bob Odell.  And their cohorts NH State Senator Jeannie Forrester, NH State Senator David Boutin, and NH State Senator Jim Rausch for it.  They believe this will enhance Republican chances in November.  Ha!  They were warned.  And now the backlash from the Grassroots has started.  From Jerry Delemus of the Rochester 9/12 who is longer willing to “settle” (emphasis mine):

This is what we get when we vote for the lesser of 2 evils. Evil! It was obvious what the traitors to Republican values were going to do and they did, vote with the Democrats just like the 28 in the House did [in DC  -Skip] on extending the debt ceiling.  Message from Establishment to everyone else and especially to conservatives, “we don’t like you and we don’t care one bit about the Republican party platform.”

So here’s a message to you Establishment, “we will not aide the Republican Establishment and we will leave blank any voting boxes for candidates we do not fully trust, no more lesser of 2 evils“.

I am going to tell all of my contacts and the members of my 912 Project to do just what I stated above. Maybe losing some elections is all these jackasses understand. They have no integrity and we are better off allowing Democrats to get elected than continually support this type of behavior…

For years we have had to settle.  We’ve been told  “look what will happen if the you allow the Democrats in”.  Right now, I am – Republicans proving that they are the Jr. Partners of the Democrat Party.  We’re not just saying it, these chuckleheads just proved us right by their own actions!  All one has to do is look.  The DC Republicans did give what the DC Democrats agenda demanded: a blank check and “taking it off the table”.  We hear noise about illegal immigration “reform” by again, giving into the Democrat agenda by approving Amnesty.

I’ve always said “listen, but watch more”; politicians prove the adage of “actions speak louder than words” – the and NH State Senate Republicans just ROARED what they really stand for.

I join with Jerry – if there is ANY tinge in my gut that I cannot Trust, I will leave that checkmark box blankNo more will I settle.  And yes, I am willing to take that hit short term to gain long term.  That is part of the message (emphasis on part) that this grassrooter is sending. I no longer wish to be represented by those that support, in any way, the Democrat / Progressive / Socialist agenda.  We elect you to fight for our values – not to appease or join with the others.

A fight you want, a fight you’ll get. And we are willing to lose a few battles to win the war.  How long are you willing to wage that war?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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