Jr. Partners of the Democrats. Lesser Keepers of the Welfare State. Politics over Principles. “Looking out for our Own Political Asses since we lost our way back in 2000’s”. And with the news of the tremendous expansion of the Welfare State by Chuck Morse with Democrat leader Larson, what are we in the grassroots to think? We work for these folks, we spend our money for these folks, and we vote for these folks. And what do we want from these folks?
Simple: write and vote for legislation that carries out the Republican Platform that you gave assent to. Act like the Conservatives you told us you were. How hard can that be?
Obviously, too hard – yet you demand that we continue to support you, regardless. Or is that more along the lines of “taking our votes for granted, for you have no where else to go”? Really? Ask Frank Guinta how that worked out last time.
So, how DOES this agreement to spend LOTS of Federal tax dollars, make more people dependent on Government, enlarge the State’s bureaucracy actually conform to Republican Principles, NH State Senate President Chuck Morse (R)? I for the life of me cannot figure it out. It certainly does not conform to ANY definition of Conservatism that I am aware of. However, we do have a rather good and Conservative Party Platform – let’s count ALL the ways you have shredded it. From the NH GOP Platform (not that it seems to matter much anymore):
- We, the people of the New Hampshire Republican Party, do stand united in our dedication to preserving freedom, limited government…
- We believe that the New Hampshire and United States Constitutions were written by our forefathers to limit our government
So, how large do YOU think NH State government bureaucracy has to expand to handle 47,000 to 58,000 medical wards of the State? And how many will be union workers, solidly in the Democrat Party’s bosom, paying all those union dues that will be used against….wait for it….Republicans??
- We, the people of the New Hampshire Republican Party, do stand united in our dedication to preserving freedom, limited government…
As a Federal Tax Payer, thanks BUNCHES for upping my taxes, Senator Morse and fellow Republicans….and with that additional $2.7 Billion that you are agreeing to spend that the Feds don’t have to spend, THANKS for helping to up the national debt you are placing on my kids and grandkids. How does that “preserve freedom” as you toss them into financial servitude?
- We believe that individual liberty is guaranteed under the Constitutions of the United States and New Hampshire, that the liberty of the people must be protected above the power of the government, and that it is only through an adherence to our founding documents that we will continue to grow as a free, Constitutional Republic
I make the claim that with this tacit agreement of Obamacare and its extraordinary growth of the Welfare State, you ARE moving us away from that “free, Constitutional Republic” to that of the Progressive Administrative State where the enlarged bureaucracy will just ignore you (as we see in DC right now).
Strongly oppose new taxes and fees
You have willingly agreed to the redistribution of New Hampshire citizens wealth, by the dint of their labors, to others – a Democrat value indeed. With that agreement to support Obamacare, you have chosen to participate in the world’s redistribution plan ever – for remember Obamacare IS taxes!
- Limit the growth of state spending to not more than the rate of inflation plus population growth
I have been told (by a NH Republican State Senator, no less – but not you, Chuck Morse) that this Obamacare Medicaid Expansion will be “OFF THE BOOKS” of the State. Sorry, but bookkeepping magic does not keep you from the liability of that Plank. This is spending that the State WILL be making regardless of being on the books or your phony baloney one.
- Require super-majorities to raise taxes
Yeah, that hurts – Oh, I get it – with the moderate Republicans in collusion with the Democrats, you may well have that super-majority. Well played!
- Maintain local control of spending and taxes designed to support local services
You have sold out to the Obama Admnistration – ALL Federal monies comes with strings attached. The only question will be is whether or not the details will become known.
- Prioritize programs to ensure effective spending
How effective can this Medicaid spending be when you will be transitioning wage earning workers who are currently paying for insurance out of their own pocket and putting them onto the Public Dole instead?
- Sunset programs and regulations to force periodic reevaluation
Yeah, stop peeing on us and calling it rain – once this MASSIVE program gets going, you Establishment Republicans will NEVER have the stones to sunset it – instead, you will keep the Federal Tax burden going on NH residents and then ADD the new NH taxes needed to pick up the slack after the first 3 years when the Fed funding goes down.
- Support the concept of a people’s veto
We, the republican base, have already told you NO, NO, NO ever and over again – you’ve ignored us
- Oppose the implementation of Obamacare in New Hampshire
This IS an implementation of Obamacare – without Obamacare law, there would NEVER be the Medicaid Expansion. Because of the US Supreme Court decision, you didn’t have to do this – but you have willingly chosen to do so.
- Increase the use of market forces to improve health care and lower costs
Saying that you are going to throw these folks into “the private marketplace” is spin – you are putting them into the Obamacare Exchange where there is only 1 provider. This is not using “market forces” – this is going along with the Democrat / Obama Administration status quo. Your participation in this fraud only strengthens this expansion of the Welvare State – not the Free Marketplace. As is becoming readily apparent, Obamacare is Crony Capitalism at its finest moment (and our worst – look up the definition of Fascism from an economic standpoint).
- Allow free market driven health care plans and “ala carte” insurance plans free from government mandates.
The Federal Government owns Obamacare and you have slunk into it – there is nothing BUT government mandates. Free Market are dirty words to the Obamacare fanatics – and you have thrown our lot in with them.
- Oppose federal programs that contradict the ninth or tenth amendment to the US Constitution; these amendments reserve unenumerated rights and powers to the states and the people
Not only have you not opposed them, you have thrown open the windows and the doors to let them in.
- Support efforts to hold the federal government to the same standard against unfunded mandates as we do our state government under the New Hampshire Constitution
Considering how often NH legislation violates Article 28-A, you folks are worthless when it comes to enforcing this – you’ll just ignore this as well. As I stated above, you WILL force NH based taxes upward when the Feds share drops from 100% to 90%. You WILL force NH residents to pick up the tab for this 10% “unfunded mandate”.
As far as OUR Constitution is concerned, you’re already rolling out the red carpet for violating Article 28-A. I also make the claim that this would further weaken our state sovereignty (Article 7) by making our expenditures, more and more, dependent on the Federal government.