Steve Shurtleff: Champion Of The Second Amendment

“Our intention creates our reality.”  —Wayne Dyer

Democrat Leader Rep. Steve Shurtleff holding a, "No More Names" sign in June 2013. Shurtleff asserts he supports the Second Amendment
Democrat Leader Rep. Steve Shurtleff holding a, “No More Names” sign in June 2013. Shurtleff asserts he supports the Second Amendment

Democrat House Leader Steve Shurtleff engages on the Second Amendment. Shurtleff took to the pages of the Fishwrapper Concord Monitor on New Years Day to Champion the banning of guns in the Statehouse facilities. Shurtleff writes,

“The House chamber and visitors’ gallery is not an appropriate or necessary place for people to bring their guns.”

The manner in which he writes his opposite editorial, he makes use of the phrase , “widely regarded as commonsense restrictions.”

Commonsense restrictions is a phrase used by those who advocate for the so-called, “universal background checks,” that are nothing more than a pretext for gun registration.

Shurtleff also states,

I support the Second Amendment, but this is not a Second Amendment issue. It is simply a matter of public safety.

Shurtleff asserts that he supports the Second Amendment, but does he really?

On June 18th, 2013 Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns,  No More Names Bus Tour rolled into Concord. A tour that is openly anti-second amendment. No More Names contains the cadre of people that wish to take all the guns away from the citizens. Under Charlatanry in the Dictionary, this Bus tour is listed.

On this particular June day, the No More Names Bus pulled up in front of the Statehouse, set up a podium and curried volunteers to read the names of those, “killed by a gun”. The list was quite long…over 6,500 names of people, “killed by a gun.” Some of our most strident anti-second amendment lawmakers were more than willing to step up to the podium and read off the names of those, “killed by a gun”

Names, like those of criminals, many of which were killed by police during criminal acts.  How about “this” particular name?

Adam Lanza on ListYes. There was Steve Shurtleff on that June day, holding a placard given him by the “No More Names” I took the photograph of him holding that placard…”No More Names” given him from a group that openly and actively opposes the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Which brings us to the fundamental question: Steve Shurtleff says he supports the Second Amendment. Yet, stands shoulder-to-shoulder with anti-second amendment forces. Do you believe him?


  • Rick Olson

    Rick Olson is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a BA in Social Science. Rick subsequently attended Massachusetts School of Law in Andover MA. Rick takes up second amendment issues on Granite Grok, as well as issues surrounding hunting, fishing, trapping and wildlife issues. Rick Olson is a former Police Officer and Deputy Sheriff. He is Past President of the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation, President of the Londonderry Fish & Game Club  Rick is a nationally certified firearms instructor and a Hunter Education Instructor. He can frequently be found teaching Urban Rifle and Defensive Pistol classes as an Instructor with Defensive Strategies in Goffstown, NH.  Rick resides in Manchester with his wife Lisa. He has four children and ten Grandchildren.

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