GraniteGrok “Likes” Regina Birdsell in NH State Senate District 18 but is issuing a Negative Endorsement for Jim Foley

by Skip

Yes, a “Like” as in a like on a Facebook page.  No, not a full blown unequivocal endorsement as we have done previously this cycle but akin to what we have said in the past (“Well, we have endorsed ABC but if that person is not your cup of tea, then we would ask you to consider XYZ”).  We are making such a recommendation in this race – Regina Birdsell.  We do appreciate a number of her stances and have liked a number of her votes.  We certainly have also appreciated some of her votes.  Thus, our stance is that if you are unsure who to vote for, be it known that the authors and writers of GraniteGrok like Regina over the other candidates in this race.


And one of them is Jim Foley, who has just earned the very first Negative Endorsement (aka “run screaming away from his name on the ballot!”)   Why?

Jim, who has made his dislike known for both me and GraniteGrok in the past when after commenting on his words as written up in the local papers, he decided to call me out from the stage at an NH GOP Annual meeting, made it clear that only certain activists mattered, and disparaging remarks about basements.  We also commented upon an event by / for him that was rather iffy this go round as well.  I have also heard from other Liberty type folks on how the Derry committee, of which he was Chair, was run that seemed rather exclusive to favorites, but we shall leave that for another day.  What concerns us now is his history that is just coming to light – Kimberly Morin over at the Examiner has the report:

Jim Foley’s theft, lies, forgery, disbarment and less than honorable discharge

Last night someone posted a document so damning about Jim Foley (running for NH Senate in District 19) that the Windham Republican Town Committee almost instantaneously removed it. Some on the Windham Committee support Jim Foley. It’s unfortunate they don’t want voters getting the truth. Luckily the document is still available here. Apparently Jim Foley has a lengthy record of crime including forgery, fraud and theft. The man was less than honorably discharged from the Marines but he was also disbarred from practicing law by the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

The very first item in the document shows that Foley was investigated by the FBI for devising a scheme to defraud and to obtain money, funds, credits, assents and security that were under the control of the MCB Federal Credit Union. The document gives some details from the testimony of an FBI agent.

I have uploaded that document here (FOLEY) – “rot roh”….  Stay tuned as I’m quite sure this will be discussed.!



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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