Jim Foley is running for New Hampshire State Senate. His campaign recently paid for mailers to advertise a free event that claims to be in honor of some former NH State Senators from his State Senate district.
The Treasurer listed on the campaign funded mailer is Jim McEachern (still listed as the Derry GOP Town Committee Vice Chair). Foley, the candidate, is sill listed as the Derry Town GOP chair. I’m guessing they’ve both stepped down to run for office, and or run alongside the campaign for office, yes? No?
On a related note, Bruce Breton, Windham GOP Town Chair, is the first name at the top of the mailer, in a list of persons happily honoring former NH State Senators Arthur Klemm, Bob Letourneau, and Jim Rausch. I don’t think that is all of the former State Senators from the district so are they really honoring State Senators or just the ones who are endorsing Jim Foley for their old State Senate Seat? Advertised on a campaign mailer. Paid for by …’Friends of Jim Foley.’
The mailer is emblazoned with two occurrences of “Jim Foley for State Senate.”
Would it be inappropriate to question the proximity of any ranking, current, Town GOP Committee member’s name (in this case Chairman Bruce Breton) on a mailer paid for by a campaign, for a seat, with a primary, regardless of under what cover.?
It almost, sort of, kind of, might be perceived, viewed, misconstrued as a defacto endorsement by a committee chair of that one primary candidate over the others running in that District, when the By Law prohibit such things. Yes? No?
By Laws. Heh! It’s not like we’re talking about the party platform or anything, right? Right? Heh? Heh. Heh.. he..heh.