“I wonder how the other Groksters are faring in the midst of the destruction….”

by Skip

Tim posed that question yesterday, my answer is “Not too shabby, actually”.  Sure, just like the Federal Government, I had to take a 2% haircut financially earlier this year (1/1/13) as  Obama decided that His Progressive policy to “better perfect” tax policies, decreed that I had to give up not paying the FICA tax that His Highness earlier had decreed was necessary to “better perfect” our tax policies.  I still am not sure which was the better “better perfect” perfection I’m supposed to believe in.

Go figure – Progressive Perfection policies; how do they keep straight faces with this kind of stuff?  In the mean time, I had to “perfect” a lesser personal budget quick.

Then I had to do it again (“better perfect” my personal budget).  You see, even while the Feds haircut just started yesterday as His Excellency decreed that His Progressive policies had to “better perfect” our healthcare, my cost went up – and a whole lot more than by 2%.  In fact, string a bunch of 2% cuts together and that adds up.  Plus, with his “perfection” of His Progressive energy policy, my weekly grocery bill has soared (as corn crops are  turned into ethanol that eats our car engines) and my gas bill is mirroring it.  So, I have to make do with even less.  I guess this is the way that Progressives wish to “perfect us” to be better people.  Maybe I am doing more shabby than I thought….yet, His Head Honchoness is still crying that that SequesApocolypse would crash society simply because Government programs and bureaucrats would get 2.4% less to spend: 2 cents out of every dollar.

How come that 2% out of their Government wallet means more to them than they think it is taking it out of our wallets?

When did Government come before the Citizens?  When did Government start valuing itself higher than the people that supposedly consent to it (and the latest poll info says a majority of us no longer trusts those in Government, that we view Government as the greatest threat to our Liberties)?

Tim, can I change that answer?  No, society didn’t crash simply because Government got an an allowance decrease (pretty much because the DC Chuckleheads can’t do their most important job which is to pass a budget).  Joined forces with another Grokster couple, went shooting at the local range, had a nice lunch at a local diner, played with the GrokDogs, bought TMEW a flip-flop steel target as a quickie present, and saw lots of other people going about their business and their lives.  And I didn’t hear a single person complain that Government is gonna spend 2% less now than it did before.

But I have heard a lot of people complaining that THEY have a lot less than they did before – and are not liking the shabby treatment they are getting from Government.

The Bigger The Government, the smaller the citizen.

Poorer, too.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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