Freedom depends on who gets to choose and make the decisions

by Skip

How Liberals Define Choice

The abridged definition of “Freedom” is how many choices one can make, unforced and unfettered.  I get to make the choice – not you and not Government.  When you and Government starting making those decisions for me, that by definition, is less Freedom.

The Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, was written solely because it was felt at the beginning of our Constitutional Republic, that the innate Liberties and Freedoms that were assumed to part and parcel of the Constitution of a limited Government needed to be specifically enumerated to PREVENT an attempt down the line for Government to override them.

And now we see this happening, as the Obama Administration is working overtime to rewrite the the meaning of the First Amendment containing our first and most important Right – that of the free expression of religion (vs Obama’s “freedom to worship within a set of 4 walls”).  Rooted deeply with that free expression is the Right not to be forced to violate that – and in this case, the Right to not be involved in the killing of the unborn.  But Obama believes that there is an unwritten and unemumerated Right to Government to tell people “this is the way you will think – and it will be what we tell you to think and to behave”.

What does is say about the morality of Obama’s sense of Community (which hammers the Right to Freely Associate by denying the right to NOT associate) that forces everyone to participate in the killing of an innocent baby?

We see Obama trying to shred the First in three different ways, we see him and his Pack of Progressive Pukes trying to not just infringe on the Second but stamp it out, ignoring the Fourth with pursuing the ability to do warrantless searches, making it impossible for citizens to claim their Fifth Amendment Rights (with States mandating they can enter your home to “make sure you are properly securing your guns”), and treating gun owners as second class citizens in a rebuke to the Fourteenth (trying to treat them as already guilty instead of as law abiding citizens who are innocent – it seems that demonstrably illegal aliens who have broken our laws seemingly have more respect given to them than gun owning citizens).

The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen

and the less choice we all have.  Do we choose to continue to have the Freedom to choose for ourselves, or do we allow Government to choose for us?  Do you, today, choose Freedom or enslavement?

(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)


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