NH .223 Day of Resistance – Jack Kimball (Chair, GSPLPAC) and Donna Murphy

by Skip

The last speaker of the day at the NH .223 Day of Resistance was Jack Kimball.  A powerful speaker (no one evah wants to follow Jack in a speakers roster!), there is always one constant in each and every speech: his patriotism shines through large and bright.  He carries the weight of his oath to the Constitution that he swore when entering the US Navy – and that showed yesterday, loud and clear.  In his mind (and should be in everyone else’s as well) that we owe an allegiance, not to a given Administration, but to the ideals interwoven in our founding documents.  After all, we are a nation founded on ideals and not one based on geographical location, ethnicity, a given sect of religion, gender, or economic class (much to the consternation of Progressives who have adopted the class struggle argument of Marxists everywhere).

Donna Murphy was introduced to me during the event by Susan Olsen (the Event Organizer) to see if I could give her some time.  Not on the roster to speak, she wanted to represent the One Million Moms against Gun Control, after the event was officially over, I was happy to record her speech and promised to post it here (consider it done, Donna!)


Jack Kimball                                                          Donna Murphy

Chair, Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC

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