NH .223 Day of Resistance – NH State Rep Pam Tucker and Grokster Mike Rogers

by Skip

NH State Representative Pam Tucker was the next up during the NH State House .223 Day of Resistance rally and brought her concerns as to what is happening in the NH House based on the anti-gunners in the Democrat / Progressive Party who are filing a number of bills that would restrict lawful abiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment Rights.  She was followed by English ex-pat and now American Patriot (and soon, adding the title “US Citizen” the LEGAL way), Mike Rogers.

Pam is a good friend to GraniteGrok and am honored to have Mike as one of our merry band of bloggers at GraniteGrok (whoo-hoo!):


NH State Rep. Pam Tucker                                                               Grokster Mike Rogers

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