How To Be Wrong ‘By Barack Obama’

Obama - short by about 880 Billion dimes
Obama - A few Dimes Short of The Truth

CNS News reports that the CBO, the Congressional Budget Office, using data provided by Obama’s own Office of Management and Budget (OMB), announced today that taxpayers will lose 24 billion on the various Federal Bailouts.

Meanwhile, over in ObamaLand, the president is telling whomever will listen that… “We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system…”

I confess that math is not my best subject but I irony I understand.  And by my back of the envelope calculations Mr. Obama is off by 240 billion dimes.  Ironic, don’t you think?

CBO also says, also reported by CNS News, that there is still $64 Billion in outstanding bailout dollars that has not been repaid. (That’s 640 billion more dimes.)

That’s a lot of dimes.

So who thinks Obama will stop saying this now that he’s only lying to the tune of 880 Billion dimes?


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