Looks like the Democrats reckless spending culture permeates everything they do–From Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart.com.
On Friday, Bloomberg News reported another embarrassing fact about the recently completed Democratic National Convention: it operated at a $15 million deficit.
In a move certain to raise eyebrows at the Federal Election Commission, $10 million of that deficit was covered by a temporary line of credit from Duke Energy Corporation. Even with that borrowed $10 million, the DNC still owes vendors $5 million, and it doesn’t have the cash to pay them.
And this is the same way New Hampshire Democrats ran our State. They always overspent. We were in a constant fiscal crisis.
Democrats just assume we have nothing better to do with our money than to let them tax it from us to pay for their spending. And apparently their convention planning is not much different. And you’ve got to love who they had to go begging to for money. Duke Energy? What’s wrong, Solyndra couldn’t help you out? (Snark!)