Unhinged Democrats

Freedom, Joy, Give-Aways, And Free Abortions

I want to write a story about the presidential election with a positive twist, but the Democrats refuse to let me. They choose to do anything that boggles the mind and makes you question the humanity of the folks on the Left. A few months ago, the most challenging policy to square was the continuous … Read more

John Kasich

Actually, it is QUITE appropriate that John Kasich is going to the Democrat Convention

Steve’s post reminded me of a long done post I did about the Postman’s son – John Kasich – that had this image in it:

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Deval Patrick considering Presidential Run?

Former MA Governor, Deval Patrick, is reportedly considering jumping into the Democrat field of President. Just as we thought the field was starting to dwindle down, two candidates have ‘announced’ their entrance to the primary field this week. I don’t know what the count is now on candidates, but I do know Deval Patrick doesn’t … Read more

Democrats Celebrate Turkish Air Force at Convention

An apology is likely forthcoming, after it is revealed that, like the Soviet Black Sea Navy ships sailing behind the speakers at the Democrat National Convention, the fighter jets pictured above…not US either.  So their tribute the military was essentially…a complete fail.  (#FAIL)

The Daily Caller nails them on this here.  The jets are Turkish F-5 fighters.

You’ve got to hand it to the Democrats though.  Had complete control of the government for two years.  They still control most of it with the Democrat Controlled Senate still blocking anything and everything that might embarrass Obama.  Their candidate for President is the current commander and chief for the US military, and always the Smartest Guy In The Room™ ,but they still can’t manage to use photos of actual US military hardware in their convention for his re-election.

It’s priceless.

In case you forgot, the picture is on the jump…

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Nanny Staters / Progressives really do believe this – you ARE incapable of making rational decisions!

And they are happy to fix that situation….and in fact, demand that they be allowed to meddle in our lives.  After all:

Democrat NH House Rep. Kris Roberts of Keene uttered on the floor of Representative Hall these fine words concerning Government and his fellow citizens:

“Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.”

Many of the delegates at the recently completed Democrat National Convention agreed with this – they have no problem believing that people have the freedom to choose for themselves but only if they make the right decisions:

(H/T: Reason TV )

“I’m pro-intervention.”

Q: So people should only be allowed to make “good” choices?

A: No, people should make choices that have good results

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Democrats Celebrate Soviet Navy At Convention

Oh Yeah.  Those Democrats are all about the Military (and veterans)…just not the…um…US Military.

In what was supposed to be moving tribute to the military a large image portrayed behind those assembled on the dais of the Democrat National Convention displayed…Soviet Era War ships from the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

So Democrats have affirmed something we should have always known.   They like veterans…Soviet veterans.

Who’d have ever suspected that?

And they are (by their own admission) the smartest people in the room, in case you forgot.

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The Deficit From The Democrat National Convention

Looks like the Democrats reckless spending culture permeates everything they do–From Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart.com. On Friday, Bloomberg News reported another embarrassing fact about the recently completed Democratic National Convention: it operated at a $15 million deficit. In a move certain to raise eyebrows at the Federal Election Commission, $10 million of that deficit was … Read more

Until Further Notice Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Be Referred to as ‘Baghdad Bob’

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the Democrat Parties Baghdad bobYou remember Baghdad Bob?  The US troops are advancing behind him and he’s acting like things are going well for the regime.  Just peachy.

That’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz.  She’s the Democrat Parties Baghdad Bob.

Yesterday she lied while lying about lying.  Today, she’s just doing her Baghdad Bob impression over Democrats creating their own distraction by first removing God from the platform (from the phrase…God given rights…) and then trying repeatedly to get a majority of the delegates to approve a motion to put that word (God) back (and Jerusalem, which they also removed and tried to put back.)

The end result is Democrats Booing God.

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Parliment of Whores Update – ‘Fore’ More Years

The lefts parliament of whores has convened in Charlotte and two important things happened.  First, Charlotte’s collective IQ dropped 70 points.  Second, they want four more years. Of what? Adding another six trillion to the national debt? Another 48 months of unemployment over 8%? Median income dropping another $4,000.00? 47 million people on food stamps? … Read more

In Honor of the Democrat National Convention…

Democrat goals and communist goals are one and the same
Democrat goals and communist goals- one and the same?

Narcissus Obama has summoned his parliament of whores and they are already binging and purging.   So what better time than now to post a list presented to Congress in 1963.  It is a list of 45 goals of the Communist party.

Most of these communist goals are and have long been the goals or ideals of the current Democrat party in America.

And this is not a coincidence.  One of those goals was to take over one or both political parties.  They took over one already, and the are meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina all week.

Remember, this is a list from 1963.  Looking at it from 2012, it is hard to suggest that the left has not been both very busy, and very successful.

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New Hampshire Democrat Convention Attendees…Don’t Forget Your Photo ID

Photo-ID-RequiredAnyone from New Hampshire who plans on attending the Democrat National Convention had best be prepared to show some ID.   That’s right, no elderly, young, poor, or vulnerable persons, you know the ones the Democrats claim will be prevented from voting if we ask them to show an ID at the polls, will be allowed to attend the Democrat National Convention…because according to Democrats at least…they do not have it and it is simply to much of a burden for them to get it.

So Democrats have intentionally excluded them from participating in their Convention.

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